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Revision The infinitive 动词不定式 定义:不定式的构成是to+动词原形,当然to有时也可以省略。动词不定式没有人称和数的变化,可以担当除谓语外的任何句子成分。 构成:to + do(动词原形) 用法:1、用作宾语 (v. + to do ) e.g: I want to buy a computer. She hopes to find a better job. I wish to go with you. I found it difficult to fall asleep.我发现很难入睡。 need to do learn to do agree to do stop to do plan to do decide to do go on to do try to do begin to do start to do refuse to do like to do forget to do remember to do 2. 用作宾语补足语:(v. + sb. + to do ) She asked me to help her. The teacher told him to come on time. Edison’s mother taught him to read and write. want sb to do wish sb to do get sb to do order sb to do find sb to be like sb to do would like sb to do help sb to do 一感:feel 三让 let make have 二听 listen to hear 四看 watch see look at notice 宾语补足语不带to 的情况: Let me do it. I saw him cross the street. 比较: I heard her singing in the next room. I heard her sing in the next room. 3. 用作状语(adverbial): He came to show me his new CD player. I went there to see my teacher. She came back to get her English book. The boy was too frightened to move. (目的) (目的) (目的) (结果) It与不定式:动词不定式可以做主语,但如果动词不定式太长,显得头重脚轻的,那么我们就可用形式主语it代替,而把真正主语(即不定式)放于句尾。 e.g: It is not difficult for me to study English well. 对我来说学好英语不难。 4.用作主语 1. To go abroad is his dream. 2. To say is easy, to do is difficult. (不定式作主语时可将其用形式主语it来替换) It is his dream to go abroad. It is easy to say, it is difficult to do. 5.用作表语 His work is to feed the animals. Her job is to look after the patients. My dream is to be a scientist. 6.用作定语 Give me something to drink. I have two books to read. They have much food to eat. (这时不定式与被修饰词有动宾关系。 若是不及物动词,介词不能省略) He asked for a room to live in. I don’t have a pen to write with. The ice is hard enough to skate on. He bought a toy to play with. 7.疑问词who, what, which, where, when, how 加to do可构成不定式短语,在句中可用作主语、 宾语、宾语补足语、表语等。 When to start has not been decided. I don’t know w


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