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. . . . . . . . . . . . Given another shots at life, I’d not to choose be your lover,or your intimate. I’d like to be the person,who will be hold in your both hands,and be put near your soulful lip. I know everything about you,and I conversant all of your habit. If you forget where I am one day,you will find me out with hurry, not me cling to you, but you can’t live without me 如果有来生 我不做你的知己 也不做你的情人 我想做那一个 整天被你捧在手心 贴在你的脸上以及唇边的人 我了解你的一切 知道你的所有 即使有一天你忘记我在哪 你会着急的四处寻找 不是我粘着你 而是你离不开我 Guess who I am * * I am your mobile phone * * Mobile phone dependence 走进手机依赖症 * * questions 1.Are you worry about that your secrets in your moblie phone being revealed? 2.The first thing after you wake up and the last thing before you sleep is —— watch your moblie phone. 1、手机里太多秘密怕被 别人知道 2、起床第一件事和睡觉 前最后一件事就是看手机 3.Is it frequent that you worry about your phone's baterry? 4.Do you have to use your phone to see WeChat,microblog or QQ every once in a while. 3、总在担心手机电量不够用 4、每隔一会儿就要打开 手机,看看微信微博或QQ 5.Do you have such experiences? Like you need to take some photos while traveling,eating or having a party with your friends, however, after taking photos you begin doing your own business again. 5、朋友吃饭出游聚会都要拍照,拍完各玩各的 6.Once you forget to bring your cell phone,you will be uneasy and feel that someone may want to find you all the time. 6、忘记带手机时像是丢了魂,总觉得有人要找你 * * The dangers of mobile phone syndrome 手机综合征的危害 Detriments 1.The Strong radiation of the mobile phone will do a great harm to our body 手机有很强的辐射性,长时间的辐射会对人体有很大危害,特别是接听电话的瞬间。 2.Beacuse of being engrossed in playing mobile phone,people cervical spine is scathing badly,most of whom suffer from an illness in the end. 由于手机党长时间低头玩手机,对他们颈椎会有很大的损伤。其中很多人更是因此患病。 3.Playing moblie phone for a long time is greatly harmful to our eyes.Of course,it is more harmful if we play moblie phone while lying in bed at night. 长时间玩手机会对眼睛造成很大伤害,特别是晚上睡觉时躺着玩手机。 4.It has a bad effect on interpersonal relationship.It is general to see that when partici


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