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魔法英语完形填空同步活页卷 (初二·下) 北京九恒世纪文化有限公司 郑大出版社 书 名: 作 者:北京九恒世纪文化有限公司 出版社:郑大出版社 书 号: 出版日期:2005年2月 定 价:00:00元 Unit 15 What do people eat ? …………………………………… 1 Unit 16 What a good, kind girl ! ……………………………… 5 Unit 17 You must be more careful ! …………………………… 9 Unit 18 Seeing the doctor ……………………………………… 13 Unit 19 A visit to an island …………………………………… 17 Unit 20 Mainly revision ………………………………………… 2 1 Unit 21 She taught herself .……………………………………… 25 Unit 22 The sports meeting ……………………………………… 29 Unit 23 A famous person ……………………………………… 33 Unit 24 What were they doing ? ………………………………… 37 Unit 25 The accident …………………………………………… 4 1 Unit 26 Mainly revision ………………………………………… 46 答案及解析 ………………………………………………………… 51 魔法英语完形填空同步活页卷 (初二 ·下) ………… 15 W hat do peo ple eat ? People in the world drink tea every day . Especially people who sit in the office u sually drin k more tea every day . But do you know most people in E urope( 欧洲) did not know 1 about tea more than three hundred year s ago ? Once an En gli sh bu sines s m an came back 2 China to his h om etown for hi s h oliday . H e 3 som e tea wit h him for his mo th er a s a p r esent . Sh e told h er fr ien ds ab ou t t he tea an d a sked t hem 4 to a tea par ty . A fter h er friends came sh e 5 some tea-leave s and boiled ( 煮) t hem . Sh e pou red ( 倾倒 ) 6 t he wa ter and gave h er friends t he tea-leaves . Of cou r se , nobody lik ed h er 7 . Ju st at t hat tim e , her son came back h om e fr om w ork . H e 8 t he table and a sked hi s mo ther , “Wh at



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