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21 4 V o l. 21, N o. 4 2005 12 W ORLD EARTHQUAKE ENG IN EER ING D ec. , 2005 : 1007-6069 2005) 04- 0016- 10 1, 2 1, 2, 3 1, 2 王兰民 袁中夏 林学文 1. , 730000; 2. , 730000; 3. , 150080 ) : , , , : ; ; ; : P315 : A Survey and analysis on the seism ic vulnerability of rural buildings in Gansu Province 1, 2 1, 2, 3 1, 2 WANG L an-m in YUAN Zhong-x ia L IN X ue-w en 1. Lan zhou Base of Ins titu te of E arthqu ake Pred ict ion, CEA, Lan zhou 730000; 2. Lan zhou Inst itute of S eism ology, CEA, Lanzhou 730000; 3. Inst itu te of Eng ineering M echan ics, CEA, H arb in 150080, Ch ina) Abstract: Gansu P rov ince is one o f reg ion w ith the m ost seriou s seism ic d isasters. In this paper, the m ain types o f rural buildings and their se ism ic perform ance are discu ssed based on rural bu ild ing survey and seism ic hazard ev-i dences ana lysis. T he facto rs affecting the se ism ic vulnerab ility includ ing site selection, foundation, structure lay- out, construct ion craftsm anship, m ateria l adopt ion and m aintenance, are ana lyzed w hich can prov ide u se fu l clues for the mi provem ent of se ism ic resistance o f rural buildings. K ey words: rural bu ild ings; se ism ic resistance; Gansu; se ism ic disaster 1 , 1920 8. 5 1927 8. 0 23. 4 10 90 , 8 1), 2000 , 4 90% , , , , , 2000 12, : 2005- 04 - 2 1; : 2005- 08- 15 : / 2G S035- A 35-



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