新沪教版初中英语七年级上册unit6 travelling around asia 知识点归纳及单元语法,单元测试题.doc.docVIP

新沪教版初中英语七年级上册unit6 travelling around asia 知识点归纳及单元语法,单元测试题.doc.doc

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新沪教版初中英语七年级上册unit6 travelling around asia 知识点归纳及单元语法,单元测试题.doc

Unit 6 Travelling around Asia 【短语】 travel guide 旅游手册 place of interest 名胜 in the centre of 在......的中心 walk along 沿着……走 at night 在晚上 in every direction 四面八方 refer to 涉及 travel around 四处游玩 delicious food 美食 ride in a cable car 乘坐缆车 dolphin show 海豚表演 have a wonderful time 玩得尽兴 light up 点亮;照亮 in the north-west of 在......的西北部 get a bird’s-view of 鸟瞰,俯瞰 Unit 6 Travelling around Asia Reading 基础部分: 2. Listen to a girl talking about three cities in Asia.听一个女孩谈论亚洲三个城市。 Asia名词,意为“亚洲”;Asian,“亚洲的,严洲人的;亚洲人”。 East Asia东亚 China is in East Asia.中国在东亚。 China is an Asian country. We are Asians. 3. Tell your classmate about some places of interest.告诉你同学一些名胜。 place of interest“名胜” There are many places of interest in China. The Great Wall is a place of interest. 4. My head was made there.我的头就产于那儿。 be made in+地点,意为“产于某地”,由于there是地点副词,故去掉介词in. 成品+be made in+地点 产于某地 原料+be made into+成品 ……被制成…… 成品+be made of+ 原料(看得出,物理) 由……制成 成品+be made by+制造者 ……被……制造 成品+be made from+原料(看不出,化学) 由……制成 My piano is made in Beijing. The birthday cake is made by my mother. The table is made of wood. Wine is made from grapes. Grapes are made into wine. The bike is made in China. 5. Shanghai is one of the largest cities in the world.上海是世界上最大的城市之一。 “one of+the+形容词最高级+复数名词/代词”意为“最……之一”,当其作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。 Tom is one of the tallest boys in our class. One of us has a travel guide. 7. People’s Square is in the centre of Shanghai.人民广场在上海的中心。   in the centre of意为“在……的中心” There is a park in the centre of the city. (1) at/ in the centre of 强调“在……中心,在……中央”。 in the middle of 强调“在……(时间、长度、过程等)的中间”。 He lives in the centre of the town. Don’t stand in the middle of the road. (2)centre名词,意为“中心点,中心”,强调的是一个点,习惯上指空间的“中央”,如圆、球体、靶子的“正中心”;另外,centre还可表示中心区、中心站或重要活动的中心。 The centre of the circle the shopping centre Hong Kong is a shopping centre. 8. It is a large public area with green grass, fountains and birds.它是有绿草、喷泉和鸟儿的大公共地区。 a l


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