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T3- composure make a case: make an example Part A Part B Part C Detailed Reading T4- parade parade: n. a series of people or things that appear one after the other e.g. The streets were full of cheering crowds as the parade went past. 当游行队伍经过的时候,街道上满是欢呼雀跃的人群。 I was impressed with the crowds that were out watching and also the way the parade was marshaled. 我对出门观望的群众和游行引导的方式留有深刻的印象。 Part A Part B Part C Detailed Reading T4- at stake at stake: to be won or lost; risked 受到威胁,面临危险 e.g. He acted immorally when his own interests were at stake. 当他自己的利益受到威胁的时候,他的行动就不道德了。 Part A Part B Part C Detailed Reading If the security of my country is at stake, I will give my life to protect it. 如果国家的安全受到威胁,我会不惜付出生命来保护它。 T4- sail sail: v. to move quickly and effortlessly 投入 e.g. 他们宁可混日子。 Part A Part B Part C Detailed Reading T5- testimony testimony: n. spoken or written statement that sth. is true 证词, 证明 e.g. The victim is willing and able to provide veridical testimony. 受害者愿意并且能够提供真实的证明。 Don’t be surprised when somebody takes issue with your testimony. 有人对你的证词提出异议时,不要大惊小怪。 Part A Part B Part C Detailed Reading T6- conspiracy conspiracy: n. act of joint planning of a crime 阴谋,共谋 e.g. The police burst upon the conspiracy before anyone else knew. 这名警察在所有人之前发现了这个阴谋。 The three defendants were found guilty of conspiracy to possess drugs. 三名被告被发现犯了合谋持有毒品罪。 Part A Part B Part C Detailed Reading T6- doom doom: v. to make sb. or sth. certain to do or experience sth. unpleasant 注定 e.g. This decision will doom me to lose my position. 这项决定将宣告我失去我的职位。 Part A Part B Part C Detailed Reading Everyone is doomed to die. 每个人都是注定要死的。 T6- follow through follow through: to continue a stroke, motion, plan, or reasoning through to the end 将动作、计划等进行到底 e.g. You have to follow through on the plan. 你必须坚持按照计划进行。 A football passer should follow through after he throws the ball. 橄榄球的传球员在传完球后应该继续随着手势完成动作。 Part A Part


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