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2018届宁波市高三第三次十校联考英语试题参考答案 1—5 CBCCA 6—10 CAACA 11—15 CCBAC 16—20 BBBCC 21—24 DCCA 25—27 DDB 28—30 CCA 31—35 AFDCE 36—40 CBBBD 41—45 ACACC 46—50 BADCB 51—55 CDACD 56. a 57. having 58. benefits 59. relief 60. anxiety 61. published 62. happier 63. on 64. difficulty 65. they Dear Mr. Williams, Our school plans to set up a reading corner at the school entrance hall, where students can read freely. We students are asked to offer our ideas about what books to buy. Therefore, I’m writing to seek your advice. Could you please recommend some English books? Books which will arouse our interest in reading and broaden our horizons would be most appropriate. Besides, it’s better if the English of those books suits the levels of us high school students. Your kind assistance will be highly appreciated. Yours sincerely, Li Hua I noticed the tears in Daddy’s eyes as I finally comprehended. It was mine! “It’s beautiful.” I said, barely breathing. I knew Daddy’s prayer, and mine, had been answered. Back home, I practiced daily, feeling no tiredness. When I was ready to join the school orchestra, I trembled with excitement. Daddy and Mother smiled proudly in the audience at their little girl who held her cherished violin for the whole world to admire. The years seemed to run more swiftly then. I packed my violin in its case and stepped into the grown-up world. Nurse’s training, marriage, working, bringing up four daughters filled my years. Yet none of my children cared about the violin. I forced my thoughts to the present and read again the advertisement. Laying the paper aside, I went to find my violin. And I dialed the number. Later that afternoon, an old car stopped in my driveway. A man in his thirties with a young girl knocked on the door. “I’ve been praying someone would answer my advertisement. My da


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