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2017 年 10 明 学 院 学 报 Oct. 2017 第 34 卷 第 5 期 JOURNA L OF SANMING UNIVERSITY Vol.34 No.5 凿燥蚤院员园援员源园怨愿辕 躁援糟灶猿缘原员圆愿愿辕 扎援圆园员7援园5援园19 三明市民办幼儿园教师流动问题 1 2 陈佳君 袁 余梦霞 1. 三明学院管理学院袁 福建 三明 365004 曰 2. 三明市实验幼儿园袁 福建 三明 365000 冤 摘要 近年来袁民办幼儿园在我国学前教育结构中占有比重越来越大袁是我国学前教育事业版图中不可或缺的一 部分遥 民办幼儿园的教育教学质量与教师队伍建设息息相关袁但三明区位优势较弱袁在政策尧管理等方面也存在不足袁 使得民办幼儿园教师流动问题日益严重遥 在了解民办幼儿园教师流动成因的基础上袁从政府袁民办幼儿园袁教师三个 层面进行推动袁提出切实可行的对策袁对三明市幼儿教育事业发展有着重要的指导意义遥 关键词 三明市曰民办幼儿园曰教师流动曰幼儿教师 中图分类号 G615 文献标志码 A 文章编号 1673-4343渊2017冤05-0096-05 The Teacher Flow of Private Kindergartens in Sanming City 1 2 CHEN Jiaj un , YU Mengxia (1.College of Manage me nt, Sanming Unive rs ity, Sanming 365004, China; 2. Sanming Expe rime ntal Kinde rgarte n, Sanming 365004, China) Abstract: In recent years, private kindergartens have taken an increasingly greater proportion in Chinas preschool educa- tional structure, and have become an integral part in the cause of preschool education . The educational and teaching quality for private kindergarten is closely related to the construction of teacher staff. However, the problem of the teacher flow in private kindergartens in Sanming city become increasingly serious due to its weak location advantage and being lack of prop- er policy and management.Based on its flow reasons, the feasible countermeasures are proposed to promote it from govern- ment, private kindergartens and teaching staffs, which is of important instructive significance for the development of preschool education in Sanming city. Key words: Sanming city; private kinderga


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