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The Tang Dynasty 青岛市黄岛区胶南第一高 级中学 2016级 周小琳 Introduction NAME: Tang Danasty SHORT NAME: Datang,Tang SURVIVAL TIME:June 18, 618 – June 1, 907 NATIONAL CAPITAL: Chang’an(now xi’an) Currency: Kaiyuan reign(开元通宝) POLITICAL SYSTEM: Monarchy (君主制) FOUNDING EMPEROR: Emperor Tang Gaozu—Liyuan Tang Dynasty, also called the Chinese court,is a formidable dynasty which was established by Tang great-great grandfather(唐高祖) Li Yuan.It became the Chinese nation resurgences two times with the Han Dynasty, and with its unprecedented glory and prosperity founded Chinas new epoch. 唐朝,又称天朝。是由唐高祖李渊建立起来的强大王朝,它与汉朝同成为中华民族中兴的两个时代,并以其前所未有的辉煌与繁荣开创了中国的新纪元。 At its peak, during the reign of emperor tianbao, the countrys population was more than 80 million. The tang dynastys economic GDP is as high as sixty percent of the worlds total .Its territory is as twice as that of todays China, people in more than 300 countries, with great respect in changan pilgrimage, more than 2300 poets created insurmountable cultural prosperity The tang dynasty was also the first unified dynasty that did not build the Great Wall since the Qin dynasty 其鼎盛时期,天宝年间,全国人口达8000万之多。经济GDP高达世界总量的六成,领土面积是当今中国的两倍,300多个国家的人们怀着崇敬之心,涌入长安朝圣,2300多名诗人创造了无法逾越的文化盛世唐朝也是秦汉、隋朝以来,第一个不筑长城的统一王朝。 Tang Dynasty is the most splendid dynasty in the Chinese history.It is powerful and prosperous,economic boom,splendid culture ,reached the top in the development of Chinese feudalism .Its high civilization influenced Japan,Korea and other countries and regions. 唐朝是中国历史上最为辉煌的一个王朝。它国力强盛,经济繁荣,文化灿烂,达到了中国封建社会发展史上的最高峰。它的高度文明影响了日本、朝鲜等许多国家和地区。 2015年全球GDP总量达74万亿美元。其中,总量排名第一的仍然为美国,占比24.32%;其次,是中国,GDP总量占比14.84%; 2017年公布的2015年全球各国GDP占比, 数据图片来源:世界银行报告 唐朝的gdp相当于17世纪英国1050万英镑,可笑的是英国当时只有920万英镑的gdp完全不如唐朝,后面的宋朝用钱都能砸死英国人。 中国唐朝时世界各国GDP 古中国(唐): 348亿美元 占世界GDP比重:58% 2、东罗马帝国(拜占庭) 54亿美元 占世界GDP比重:9% 3、阿拉伯帝国(大食) 42亿美元 占世界GDP比重:7% 4、古印度(天竺): 42亿美元 占世界GDP比重:7% 5、古埃及: 18亿美元 占世界GDP比重:3% 6、日尔曼人 9亿美元 占世界GDP比重:1.5% 7、法兰克 8亿美元


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