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unit 13 ----lesson25 The Kalenjin 卡兰津人   Kalenjin   此名用以指南迪人(Nandi)、基普西基人(Kipsigi)、苏克人(Suk,波科特人〔Pokot〕)、塔托加人(Tatoga)及其他有亲缘关系的诸民族,他们居住在肯亚中西部、坦尚尼亚北部和乌干达,操尼罗-撒哈拉语系沙里-尼罗语支的东苏丹诸语言(亦称卡兰津语),主要以农业为生。 为什么 Kalenjin 跑步跑得那么快? 卡兰津人基本是地处高原,高原练习长跑更有效率,国家也会组织运动员去高原特训的,在跑步方面,高原选手比平原选手更有优势。 曾有研究者对卡兰津人所居住的环境进行了研究,研究认为,卡兰津人长期生活在海拔2000米以上的高原地区。这种缺氧的环境可以增加人体本身携氧的红血球数量。研究者通过比较研究还发现,卡兰津人比其他地区的肯尼亚人更具有运动天赋。 New words and expressions [rek?:d] [win] [win?] [dist?ns] [reis] [tr?k] [?m??] [sta:] [b?:d?] [h?uml?nd] Take a look at the record of international running events in last fifteen years. Take a look at— take 祈使语气 the record of international running events——这里使用定冠词是因为records 受后面的 of 短语限制;running events:复合名词 (第一个词告诉我们是哪一种赛事) in last fifteen years——in 表示在一段时间内,即 “the fifty years up to the present” Before 1980, the winner of distance races were usually from North America and Europe. There were some winner from other countries, but there weren’t very many of them.. Before 1980——时间短语,由介词+某一时间构成,用于主语之前或动词短语之后。 the winner of distance races——the 用法同上。 distance races 复合名词 那类赛跑 Were——一般过去式be动词复数形式。 There were——表示‘有’或‘存在’。 There weren’t——‘不存在’ ‘没有’ There were no African names among the winners then, but things are very different now no African names= not any African names Among the winners——among(在中间)+复数名词,用于二者以上的比较, between Then = at that time Things —— 零冠词,泛指 very different——形容词作补语 Today, the stars of the race track are the Kalenjin. The kalenjin are an African people from the borders of North West Kenya and Ethiopia. Their homeland is hot, dry plateau, about 2,500 metres above sea level. These people are usually natural athletes. They have long, thin legs. Their heart rate is unusually slow. There are only three million of them. Twelve of the world’s top twenty marathon runners are now Kalenjin. Every year, they win 40 percent of the top honours in all international distance races. And it’s not just the men. A few years ago, there weren’t any distance races for women. These days,


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