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1. 参赛者答对的题目数量越多,他所赢得的奖项越高。 The more questions the contestant answer, the higher prize he will win. 2. 科学家们在科学领域获得的成就越多,先进技术的运用就越广泛。( the more … the more …) The more achievements scientists make in the field of science, the more widely advanced technology will be used. 3. 因为现今的情况而指责政府没有任何意义,除非能够立刻采取行动阻止环境进一步被污 染。 There is no point in blaming the government for the present situation , unless immediate action can be taken to prevent the environment from further pollution. 4. 据估计, 这次地震所造成的损害远远超过人们的想象。 It is estimated that the damage caused by the earthquake is far beyond imagination. 5. 尽管人们似乎总是与悲剧中的主人公产生共鸣,很少有人真的会施与援手。 Despite the fact that people seem to identify with the main character in a tragedy, few people will really offer their help. 6. 政府决定禁止广告商征用儿童演员,因为这样做会对儿童的成长产生消极影响。 The government decided to ban/put a ban on advertisers from using child actors because it will have a negative effect/influence/impact on children. 7. 大城市的犯罪率正在上升,每天平均有 5 起抢劫案。 Crime in big cities is on the increase/increasing, with 5 robberies every day on average. …… , with an average of 5 robberies every day. 8. The key to balancing expenses against income is to budget/make a budget of all your spendings. 保持收支平衡的一大关键是为你所有的开销做预算。 9. 在高考中遇到难题,冷静和自信是成功的关键。 (face) When you face/are faced with difficult problems in the college entrance examinations, being calm and confident is the key to success. 10. 说实话,我真后悔没有帮助他克服英语学习方面的困难。 (regret) To tell the truth, I really regret not helping him overcome difficulties in English learning. 11. 这本书太振奋人心了,很值得一读,因此我毫不犹豫地买下了它 .(worth) This book is so inspiring that it is well worth reading, so I bought it without hesitation . 12. 遵照标签上的说明,你就会知道怎样服这药了。 (and) Follow the direction on the label, and you will know how to take this med


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