高一英语必修二unit3 Learning about language(精品·公开课件).ppt

高一英语必修二unit3 Learning about language(精品·公开课件).ppt

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select rare reception amaze less than wooden In search of survive remove artist former at war Complete the passage with the words below. rare designed decorated style doubt fancy dynasties amazing worth jewels Chen Lei studied art history and the early ______ of China in a university. He was able to recognize the _____of different cultural relics from former times, especially the Tang and Song dynasties. One day he was looking in a second-hand furniture shop when he saw an _______ object among the many different vases and dynasties style amazing Complete the passage with the words below. rare designed decorated style doubt fancy dynasties amazing worth jewels ______. It was a mirror _____ in the Song Dynasty and ______ n the ______ style of that time. He recognized that it was a _______ cultural relic, but at a price he could afford, so he bought it at once. Later he gave it to his local museum. The people there were very happy and without _________ consider it one of the treasures of their collection. To them, it was ______ much more than Chen Lei paid. jewels designed decorated fancy rare doubt worth 一、定语从句的定义: 用来修饰名词或代词的从句叫定语从句。被定语从句所修饰的名词或代词叫先行词(antecedent)。定语从句一般是由关系代词或关系副词来引导的。相当于名词和形容词的作用。 eg: 1. Do you know the man who came to see Xiao Yang this morning? 2.The day is not far off when we will make a trip to Britain. 定语从句归纳总结 二、关系代词和关系副词的作用: 1、引导作用 2、替代作用 3、在定语从句中担当某个成分的作用 eg: 1.Those who want to go please sign your names here. 2.This is the house where he was born. 3. Bill, who was here yesterday, asked me a lot of questions. 三、关系代词(who, whom, which, that, whose)的指代关系 指人 指物 在定语从句中的作用 Who Whom Which that whose √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 主语 宾语 宾语 主语 宾语 主语 宾语 定语 Eg:1.He is such a man who never tells a lie. 2. He is the model worker whom/who we should learn from. 3. A dictionary is a book which often helps us to know the meanings of the words. 4. This is the film which I like best. 5.


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