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No.9 2012 林业经济 FORESTRY ECONOMICS ·产业与竞争力· 入世后中国林产品市场与贸易发展变化及对策研究 1,2 1,2 陈绍志 李剑泉 (1中国林业科学研究院林业科技信息研究所北京 100091;2国家林业局林产品国际贸易研究中心北京 100091) 摘 要:高度概括了国际林产品市场与贸易发展态势,总结发展特点,简述发展趋势和面临挑战;详细分析了加 入世界贸易组织(WTO )后中国林产品市场与国际贸易的发展变化:中国林业国际地位明显提升,林产品外贸 环境进一步改善,林产品国际竞争力逐步提高;提出了应对林产品国际贸易变化的对策建议:政策调整、技术 创新和品牌建立。 关键词:世界贸易组织(WTO );林产品国际贸易;林产品市场;发展变化;中国 中图分类号:F307.24 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-338X(2012)09-0028-07 Development Changes on International Market and Trade for Forest Products in China after Joining the WTO Chen Shaozhi1,2 Li Jianquan1,2 (1 Research Institute of Forestry Policy and Information, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing 100091; 2 Center for International Forest Products Trade ,State Forestry Administration, Beijing 100091) Abstract: Firstly, the development trends and traits, and face challenges for the international forest product markets and trades, were highly summarized. Secondly, the development changes of China ’s forest product market and in⁃ ternational trade after it joined the World Trade Organization (WTO), which were China ’s forestry international status improved significantly, forest products foreign trade circumstance was further improved, and the international competitiveness of forest products increased gradually, were analyzed in detail. At last, the key suggestions, which were policy adjustment, technological innovation and brand building, were emphatically discussed to react the de⁃ velopment changes of international forest products trade in this paper. Key Words: World Trade Organization (WTO) ;international forest products trade ;forest products market; devel⁃ op


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