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Unit 4 What damage did the earthquake cause? The suffering of the people was extreme. The number of people who were killed or injured reached more than 400,000. Two dams and most of the bridges fell or were not safe for travelling. chickens/pigs Wells Rescue workers/doctors Water ,food, electricity houses roads canals ground hills people hospitals factories buildings bricks dams bridges In ruins A huge crack that was 8 kilometers long and 30 meters wide cut across houses, roads and canals. suffering extreme. All of the city’s hospitals ,75% of its factories and buildings and 90% of its homes were gone. were gone be gone Railway tracks are now useless pieces of steel. More damage caused by the quake It seemed as if the world was at an end!!! die filled with sand trapped hard to get Rescue trap finished * * A fire flood typhoon(台风) snow slide(雪崩) volcano (火山) mudflow(泥石流) sandstorm(沙尘暴) Tsunami(海啸) earthquake 1) Do you know what would happen before an earthquake? 2) What can we do to keep ourselves safe from an earthquake? Bright lights flash in the sky Animals are too nervous, such as cows, dogs, horses, and snakes, etc. Predictions of an earthquake: 1) Bright lights flash in the sky; 3) The well walls have deep cracks with smelly gas; 4) Animals are too nervous, such as cows, pigs, horses, and snakes, etc; 5) Mice run out to look for places to hide; 6) Fish jump out of the ponds. 2) The water in the well rise and fall; Wenchuan Earthquake Can you describe how terrible the earthquake was? 2008.5.12 The city lay in ruins. 破败不堪 The buildings fell down. 倒塌 Roads might crack. 开裂 Many people were killed or injured. 受伤的 Tangshan, Hebei July 28th, 1976 Reading What is the text mainly about ? 2. The text is organized in the order of___. 3.How will you divide the text into 3 parts? skimming Soldiers in Tangshan B. Tangshan earthquake C. Love in Tangshan D. People in Tangshan places


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