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潮汐漂流游客须知 Notice to Tidal Drift Tourists 1、身高1.4米以下儿童和老年人须在成年人的陪同下进入潮汐漂 流; 1. Both children less than 1.4 meters tall and the old are required to enter the tidal drift with being accompanied by the adult; 2、做文明游客,请勿穿着除泳衣外的服装(禁止使用眼镜,毛巾, 鞋类物品)。 2. Be civilized tourists, and do not wear clothes except the swim suit (prohibiting the use of glasses, towels, and articles of footwear). 3、进入潮汐漂流游玩,请使用专业浮圈,穿着救生衣并从指定的出 入口进入潮汐漂流游玩; 3. Please use the professional floating ring when entering the tidal drift to play, and wear the life jacket walking from the designated entrance to the tidal drift for playing; 4、请在浮圈内坐稳扶好。(漂流河区域内有水流漩涡,请扶好浮圈 两侧扶手,注意安全); 4. Please sit steadily and hold on tight in the floating ring. (There is water whirlpool in the river rafting area, so please hold on to handrails on both sides of the floating ring tight and pay attention to safety); 5、请勿在漂流河内奔跑嬉闹、跳水、潜水或做其它有危及您和他人 人身安全的行为; 5. Please do not run, frolic, dive, and snorkel or do other behavior which can threaten personal safety of you and other people in the river rafting area; 6、请勿佩戴面具、通气管、潜水鞋、拖鞋、雨伞、食品、香烟、饮 料或玻璃器皿进入游乐区域; 6. Please do not bring the mask, snorkel, diving shoes, slippers, umbrellas, food, cigarettes, beverages or glassware into the recreation area; 凡患有心脏病、高血压、精神病、酗酒者、恐高及腰椎病或颈椎 病、孕妇等身体不适者的游客禁止乘坐本游乐设施。 7. Tourists, who suffer from heart disease, high blood pressure, mental illness, alcoholism, fear of heights and lumbar or cervical disease, being pregnant and other physical discomfort, are prohibited from taking the recreation facilities. 注意事项 : 不遵守规定造成自身或他人发生事故的情况下由本人自行承担责任,水上公园不予负责。 Note: If there are accidents of one’s own or others caused by non-compliance, it is the one that takes the responsibility, which has nothing with the on-water park. 飓风墙游客须知 Notice to Hurricane Wall Visitors 1、乘客人数:4人(少于或多于四人不准乘坐此设备) 1. The number of passengers: 4 people (less or more than four people are not allowed to take this device) 2、体重要求:四人合计≤280Kg,其中单人体重75Kg。 2. The


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