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法律英语 Lesson Four Judicial System Good order is the foundation of all things. E.Burke, British statesman  良好的秩序是一切的基础。 英国政治家 伯克 E  Background 美国司法制度的特点: 贯彻三权分立的原则,实行司法独立; 法院组织分为联邦和地方两大系统; 联邦最高法院享有特殊的司法审查权。 State and Federal Courts Throughout the United States there are two judicial systems. One system consists of state and local courts established under the authority of the state governments. The other is the Supreme Court and the federal court system, created by Congress under the authority of the Constitution of the United States. 美国联邦法院 The United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit 美国联邦巡回法庭的上诉法庭 美国的法官 联邦和州最高法院的法官 ——大法官,justice 上诉法院和审判法院的法官 ——法官,judge 基层法院的审判人员 ——治安法官,justice of the peace —司法官,magistrate Part 1: Courts Fifty-two separate court systems in the U.S. 52个独立的法院系统 The federal courts are not superior to the state courts; they are an independent, coordinate system authorized by the US. Constitution, …… 联邦法院不凌驾于州法院之上;它们是由美国宪法授权的独立、并列的系统。 Federalism 联邦制度 The presence of two parallel court system often raises questions concerning the relationship of the state and federal systems, presenting important issues of federalism. 两种并列的法院系统的存在经常带来州与联邦系统关系的问题,提出了重要的联邦制度问题。 The U.S. Supreme Court The U.S. Supreme Court, compose of nine justices, sits as the final and controlling voice over all these systems. 美国联邦最高法院由9个大法官组成,对全部这些法律体系有最终的控制性的发言权。 Two-tiered system 两级审判制 Nebraska 内布拉斯加 Three-tiered system 三级审判制 In the federal system Trial court(初审法院) the U.S. District Court (94) 美国地区法院 Intermediate appellate courts The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit 美国联邦巡回法院的上诉法院(11+2) The U.S. Supreme Court 美国最高法院 Various specialized tribunals US Bankruptcy Court, US Armed Forces Court of Appeals, US Court of International Trade, US Tax Court, US Claims Court Each court of appeals has four or more judges who sit in panels of three to review district court decisions, as well as some decisions of administrative agencies. 每个上诉法院都有4个或更多法官,他们组成3人


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