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西安航空职业技术学院 毕业设计论文 1 香格里拉酒店微博营销策略研究 【摘要】 2010年以来,微博在互联网上大行其道,成为发展最快的互联网应用。越来越多的企业和个人用户开发使用微博。微博用户量爆发式增长带来的巨大用户群及蕴藏着潜在的商机被很多企业逐步认识,随即开始利用微博进行商品促销,新品发布和品牌推广。在没有硝烟的营销战场上,微博逐渐形成了企业的“兵家必争之地。” 本文以香格里拉酒店为研究对象,首先,对微博营销概念、微博营销功能和微博营销特征进行了阐述,指出微博营销的优点,和网络营销、传统营销的关系,系统总结微博营销相关理论。然后对香格里拉酒店微博营销环境及网络现状和存在的问题进行分析,提出构建微博营销策略体系,从微博微博营销明确目标、搭建平台、内容建设、聚集客户与效果等评估五个方面建立一个企业的微博营销策略。并总结出微博营销策略的实施步骤及相关措施。 关键词: 酒店 微博 微博营销 Abstract:Since 2010, micro-blog popular on the Internet, has become the fastest growing Internet applications. More and more enterprises and individual users to use micro-blog. Micro-blog user quantity huge user group has come out and contains the potential business opportunities by many enterprises gradually understand, then starts to use micro-blog commodity promotion, new product launch and promotion of the brand. In the marketing battle without gunsmoke, micro-blog gradually formed a "military enterprises a hotly contested spot." In this paper, the Shangri-La Hotel as the research object, first of all, on micro-blog marketing concept, marketing functions and marketing micro-blog micro-blog characteristics are described, points out the advantages micro-blog marketing, and network marketing, traditional marketing relationship, summarizes the related theory micro-blog marketing. Then the Shangri-La Hotel micro-blog marketing environment and the status quo of network and the analysis of existing problems, put forward the construction of micro-blog marketing strategy system, evaluation micro-blog marketing strategy to build a business from five aspects micro-blog micro-blog marketing objectives, build a platform, content construction, gather customer and effect etc.. And summed up the implementation steps micro-blog marketing strategy and related measures. Keywords: Hotel micro-blog micro-blog marketing 目录 TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369200170" 1导论 PAGEREF _Toc369200170 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369200171" 1.1微博



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