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Retell the article in the perspective of a crane. 以第一人称,站在鹤的角度描述面临的问题以及采取的措施。 Unit 6 Birdwatching Reading I Hint1: small 3scores Hint2 : brown and grey feathers 2 scores Hint3: We often see it. 1 score Hint1: long thin neck 2 scores Hint2: white feathers 1 score Hint1: broad wings 3 scores Hint2: hooked beak 2 scores Hint3: brown feathers 1 score Hint1: tall 3 scores Hint2 : long neck 2 scores Hint3: long legs 1 score crane Zhalong Nature Reserve one of the worlds most important wetlands [‘wetl?nd] 湿地 The wetlands provide food and cover for them. The cranes like living there because... =give [pr?va?d]提供 [k?v?(r)]庇护所 perfect place in north-east China in the north-east of China Zhalong Where is Zhalong Nature Reserve? in Heilongjiang Province north北 east东 But there are not many cranes in the world. Why? What should we do to protect the cranes? wants us to join the Birdwatching Society with her. 观鸟协会 [s?sa??t?] Why do lots of tourists go to Zhalong? Im Sandy. Would you like to join us? To watch birds. Read the article Reading tip: Read the passage quickly and silently only to find specific information. 快速默读文章寻找特定的信息。 Lets read the text and finish B2 on Page 71 Paragraph 1: Paragraph 2: Paragraph 3: Paragraph 4: a. About birds in Zhalong b. What the Birdwatching Society members do c. More people can help count and describe the birds d. Birds in Zhalong are in danger Paragraph 5: e. About Zhalong Nature Reserve (Read the text quickly and finish B2 on Page 71 ) True or false ( Para 1 ) (F) (T) (F) 3. The area provides nothing for the wildlife. 2. Zhalong is one of the most important wetlands in the world. 1. Zhalong Nature Reserve is in Heilongjiang in South-east China. food and cover North-east 1. Many birds a. 40% of them l


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