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PAGE 精品 精品 AprioriAll和GSP算法的研究及实现 [摘要]:序列模式挖掘即从序列数据库中发现频繁子序列以作为模式,它是一类重要的数据挖掘问题,有着非常广泛的应用前景,被应用在包括顾客购买行为的分析、网络访问模式分析、科学实验的分析、疾病治疗的早期诊断、自然灾害的预测、DNA 序列的破译等方面。的效率上。本文我就是在对序列模式挖掘的其中两种算法进行研究,即:Armorial和GSP算法。首先讲述了序列模式的一些概念及基本原理。并通过具体的实例演示算法的执行过程,进而达到掌握理解的成度。再次基础上采用vc编程语言和Access数据库进行实现,最后对程序运行结果进行分析和总结。 关键字:数据挖掘 Armorial算法 GSP算法 Two Data Mining Algorithms Author:Liu Jianqing (Grade04,Class04, Information and calculation science,Department of Mathematics,Shaanxi University of Technology,Hanzhong 723000,Shaanxi) Tutor: Zhou Tao Abstract: Sequential pattern mining from the sequence found in the database as a sequence of frequent pattern, it is a kind of important data mining issues, has a very wide application, be used in customer buying behavior, including the analysis of network access mode of analysis, the scientific experiments Analysis, the early diagnosis of disease, natural disasters forecast, DNA sequences deciphered, and so on. The efficiency. In this paper, I was in the sequence pattern mining one of two algorithms to study, namely: Armorial and GSP algorithm. First on the sequence patterns of some basic concepts and principles. And demonstrate through concrete examples of the implementation of the algorithm, then reached into the grasp of understanding. Used vc again based on the programming language and Access database to achieve the end result of running the analysis and synthesis. Keyword: Data mining algorithm Aprioriall algorithm GSP Algorithm 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc409434950 1.序列模式挖掘的基本概念 PAGEREF _Toc409434950 \h - 1 - HYPERLINK \l _Toc409434951 2.AprioriAll算法学习 PAGEREF _Toc409434951 \h - 2 - HYPERLINK \l _Toc409434952 2.1基本思想 PAGEREF _Toc409434952 \h - 2 - HYPERLINK \l _Toc409434953 2.2 AprioriAll算法的基本思路 PAGEREF _Toc409434953 \h - 2 - HYPERLINK \l _Toc409434954 2.3 应用举例 PAGEREF _Toc409434954 \h - 2 - HYPERLINK \l _Toc409434955 2.4 AprioriAll算法程序实现 PAGEREF _Toc409434955 \h - 5 - HYPERLINK \l _Toc409434956 2.4.1 Apr


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