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大连理工大学毕业设计(论文)格式规范 - PAGE II - 辽 东 学 院 本 科 毕 业 设 计 JL公司山城花园房地产开发项目可行性研究 The Feasibility Study on Real Estate Development Project of Shan Cheng Hua Yuan ? 摘 要 房地产开发项目的可行性研究是在投资决策之前对拟开发的项目进行全面、系统的调查研究和分析,运用科学的技术评价方法,得出一系列评价指标值,以最终确定该项目是否可行的综合研究。要想使开发项目达到预期的经济效果,首先必须做好可行性研究工作,才能使房地产开发项目的许多重大经济技术原则得到切实的解决和落实,最后得出结论。本项目从可行性理论的起源出发,综述了从可行性研究的提出、发展到如今房地产的应用的有关文献以及其意义、期望,以期为房地产的可行性研究实践提供一个有价值的参考。 本项目“山城花园”规划用地面积118,200m2,建设周期3年,预计总成本41,200万元,销售收入76,316.23万元,税后利润17,259.32万元。所得税后财务内部收益率为21%大于基准利率,所得税后财务净现值为6,330.40万元大于0,所得税后投资回收期为3.94年,说明本项目投资方向正确,建设方案可行,预期效益显著。 关键词:房地产开发;项目定位;可行性研究 The Feasibility Study Report on Real Estate Development Project of Ben Xi Shan Cheng Hua Yuan Abstract The feasibility study of real estate development project is making a comprehensive, systematic research and analysis on the project before investment decision, which applies scientific methods and obtains a series of evaluating indicator. Finally, we can determine the feasibility of the project by this comprehensive study. If you want to make the development project to achieve an anticipated economic effect, at first, only you prepare the feasibility research work in high quality, can you make numerous economical and technical principle receive effectively resolving and implementation. Then you will reach a conclusion. This project starts from the origin of the feasibility theory, so as to provide a valuable reference for the practice of real estate feasibility study. In this project, some concerned documents which are from the advancing and development of the feasibility study to the daily application of real estate and their significance and expectations have been reviewed. This project “Shan Cheng Hua Yuan”construction period 118,200 ㎡, the total cost is expected to 3 years sales income, 76,316.23,million Yuan RMB . 17,259.32ax profits for income tax financial internal rate of return than benchmark interest rate and tax 21 after6,300.40for financial net present value greater than 0. In


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