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w 摘 要 随着现代计算机科学的发展,计算机信息系统越来越受到重视,网络已经成为人们交流信息的重要方式,所以基于网络平台的各种系统不断出现,畅通无阻车友会论坛已经成为人们交流的一种重要工具。 我所设计的畅通无阻车友会论坛具有界面友好、简单易用、灵活链接等特点。畅通无阻车友会论坛的基本功能在该系统中都得以实现,如用户注册、用户登陆、浏览帖子、发表帖子、管理员对论坛进行一系列管理等功能。系统采用结构化分析和设计方法,采用JSP,关系数据库等技术进行设计和开发,目前可以在sql server 2000数据库和tomcat服务器下正确运行。 本系统充分运用了软件工程的开发思想,在系统开发前,进行了充分的需求分析,根据需求,对系统的整体进行了概要设计,模块划分,再根据系统各个模块要完成的功能,进行了详细设计,并使测试贯彻系统开发始终。不但提高了系统开发的效率,也提高了系统的整体性能 本文论述了畅通无阻车友会论坛的系统目标和需求、系统分析、总体设计、详细设计、编码实现、测试各环节的主要内容,以及在系统开发过程中碰到的主要问题及其解决方法。 关键词: JSP sql server 2000 tomcat Dreamweaver ABSTRACT Along with the modern computer science development, the computer information system is more and more important, the network already became the people to exchange the information important way, therefore appeared systems that based on network platform, the forum on the net already became one kind of important tool which the people exchanged. This system has characteristics, such as interface friendly, simple easy using, flexible chaining etc.? Basic functions in the online forum can all be realized in this system, for example, registration of users, user land, have a look around model, publish model, administrator go on a series of function of managing to forum and so on.The system adopts structurization analysis and design method,and also uses JSP, and concerns such technology as the database ,etc. to design and develop , can run correctly under sql server 2000 databases and tomcat servers at present. This text has described the development background of e-commerce, systematic goal , demand and network analysis , overall to design,, detailed design , code realize , test every main content of link, and develop the subject matter and solution met in the course in the system. Key Words : JSP sql server 2000 tomcat 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \u 第一章 概述 PAGEREF _Toc313174263 \h 1 1.1 系统的应用背景和意义 PAGEREF _Toc313174264 \h 1 1.1.1 系统的应用背景 PAGEREF _Toc313174265 \h 1 1.1.2 选题的目的和意义 PAGEREF _Toc313174266 \h 1 1.2 主要技术简介 PAGEREF _Toc313174267 \h 2 1.2.1 JSP简介 PAG


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