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GLOBAL 50HUMAN RESOURCE SERVICES PROVIDERS 2011 HRoot is a leading management media company, playing a key role PUBLISHINGin Human Resources industry in Greater China. Abundant trade informati on is provided for HR Managers by HRoot. Meanwhile, INSTITUTIONHRoot o?? ers comprehensive marketi ng promoti on services to HR service providers. Our business covers internet services, publish, conventi on, adverti sing, and IT support services etc. HRoot has 6 brands currently, including ‘HRoot’, a top Human Resource Management website in the world; ‘Human Capital Management’ magazine, a high-end HR magazine; ‘Overclass’, a presti gious club for HR elites; and ‘Annual Human Resources Awards in Greater China’, the top-notch industry event with highest authority and biggest outreach scope. HRoot enjoys No.1 Web tra?? c among all of the HR-related websites; with 500,000 HR professionals registered as user. Each year, there are more than 200 million visits to the website and more than 5,000 people att ending our o?? -line acti viti es. Our publicati ons’ readers have already outreached 30,000. HRoot has over 15,000 customers now, and served more than 90% of Fortune 500 companies in Greater China. There are more than 200 HR service providers, business schools, societi es/associati ons are our adverti sement clients and sponsors.Copyright (c) 2002-2011, all rights are reserved by Kingture Media. COPYRIGHT The fi nal right to construe is reserved by the company. Without writt en permission, no any insti tute and individual is permitt ed to STATEMENTreprint or cite by all or part. The words and mark of “HRoot” and “Human Capital Management” is the trademark or registered trade mark of Kingture Media, used in China and other countries and regions, and the related words and marks of other brands belong to relevant rightf ul owners. HRoot and Human Capital Management are att ached to Kingture Media.01 companies is very remarkable. As the largest supplier of labor force Ranking Chan



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