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大学生广泛社交主持稿   篇一:大学生广泛社交利大于弊   1、你的身边朋友多做起事情来帮你朋友帮忙。   2、当你需要帮助的时候有的朋友可以帮到你很大的忙。   3、当你有想不明白的问题时你可以找个朋友问一下,他会给到你想不到的答案。 没有一个人是可以把所有的事情都做的了的,做任何事情都是要讲究合作的,如果没有了社交,没有了这些朋友,一个人没有办法完成所有的工作,哪个楼房是一个人盖的?哪条路是一个人铺的?等等;当毕业了走上社会,工作了,那你就需要大量的信息渠道,没有那些社交,那些朋友,你哪来的信息,新闻?报纸?毕竟信息量很少,或许还有假的。 各位评委,对方辩友,大家好!   我方的观点是学生广泛社交利大于弊.   Our point of view is the students a wide range of social advantages outweigh the disadvantages.   首先,我们来明确几个概念:①学生:是指在学校读书或向老师,前辈学习的人.②广泛:指涉及方面广,范围大,普遍.另外,广泛与多过度有着本质上的区别.多与过度强调的是数量,而广泛则强调的是范围.③社交:指社会上人与人的交际往来.通过对概念的明确,我们可知今天所讨论的话题实质上是在涉及方面广的社会上人与人的交际往来对学习的人究竟是利大还是弊大.   First, we have to clear a few concepts: ① students: means the school or to learn from teachers, the older people (2) widespread: in cases involving a wide range, universal. Extensive and more than over-has a fundamentally different. emphasized the many and excessive number of extensive and stressed that the scope of (3) social: refers to communication between people in the community   through the concept clear, we can seethe topic under discussion today is essentially involved in aspects of a wide range of social, interpersonal communication between people learn what is a big profit or harm.针对我方观点,有如下认识:   Our point of view, the following:   .广泛社交可以开拓人的视野.   . Wide range of social networking can open up the horizons of the people.   比海洋更广阔的是天空,比天空更广阔的是人的胸怀.惟有一个见多识广的人,才有足够的认知力,判断力来看待这个社会,真正拥有了广阔的胸怀.所谓见多识广,自然要在广泛社交中培养.如果不广泛社交,怎能穷得千里目?如果不广泛社交,怎能更上一层楼?如果不广泛社交,怎能一览众山小?   Broader than the sea, sky, broader than the sky is the human mind. Only an experienced and knowledgeable people have sufficient cognitive judgment to look at this society, really have an open mind. So-called knowledgeable natural to a wide range of social culture, if not   extensive social, how can poor grander sight? if not extensive social, how can the next level? if not extensive social, how can a glance of small hills?   .广泛社交本身即是学习,更是实践.   . Wide range of social networking that is learning more pra


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