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Atheros Calibration 簡介 認識 Atheros 與 ART and IQview Calibration 關係 認識基本 ART Calibration Utility 主要Settings file 瞭解 ART Calibration Utility 設備架構 認識 IQview 與 ART Calibration Utility 兩者的差異性 瞭解 IQview Calibration Utility 設備架構 認識 MIMO IQview Calibration 主要Settings file 實例說明 認識 ART Calibration Utility 主要Settings file What information can we get from the artsetup file ? What information can we get from the eep file ? What information can we get from the calTrgtPwr file ? What information can we get from the calsetup file ? ART Calibration Utility 設備架設 認識 IQview 與 ART Calibration Utility 的差異性 IQview Calibration Utility 設備架設 認識 MIMO IQview Calibration 主要Settings file What information can we get from the eep file ? What information can we get from the IQ_ALL(FAIL)_Setup file ? What information can we get from the IQ_atten file ? What information can we get from the IQ_DUT_MIMO file ? What information can we get from the IQ_Flow_MP file ? What information can we get from the IQ_meas_MIMO_CB1071 file ? What information can we get from the IQ_Setup file ? 實例說明與操作 總結 * * 1.artsetup file 2.calsetup file 3.eep and ear file 4.calTrgtPwr file 1.Log file Settings 2.SSID Settings 3.from SSID to get eep file name 1.Get Target Power file name 2.SSID 3.DEVICE_TYPE Settings 5.Antenna Settings 4.802.11a 11g 11b mode Settings 1.Power Settings 2.Group Settings 1.MAC ID Settings ( AP and Router 產品不可寫入 ) 2.設備GPIB Address Settings 3.PPM and Cable Loss Settings 4.Mask and PER and Power Limit Settings 5.RX SEN SPEC Settings 6.Calibration item Settings 1.除了基本的 artsetup、calsetup、eep、ear、caltrgtpwr file外,另增加IQsetup file 2.IQsetup file 最主要設定... ● EVM Test channel Settings ● PER Test channel SPEC Settings ● 其他關於 IQview 量測上的設定 1.目前Atheros MIMO 產品…… ● IP1006AA ( 11n MIMO on board Wireless Router ) ● CB801AN ( 11n MIMO Card bus ) 2.關於MIMO Calibration Settings file…… ● artsetup.txt ● eep file ● calTrgtPwr file ● IQ_ALL(FAIL)_Setup.txt ● IQ_attn.txt ● IQ_DUT_MIMO.txt ● IQ_Flow_MP.txt ● IQ_meas_MIMO_


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