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的总体思路和具体措施。 论文首先从法治政府的概念、公民参与法治政府绩效评估的范畴 出发,阐述了公民参与法治政府绩效评估的选题背景和研究意义,比 较国内外研究现状,提出了本文的研究思路和研究方法。第二章,梳 理分析了托马斯公民参与理论、民主行政理论,奠定了基本的理论基 础。第三章通过对全国公民参与法治政府绩效评估状况的描述及对常 熟公民参与法治政府绩效评估的现状调查,分析目前公民参与法治政 府绩效评估中存在的政府理念存在错位、公民参与制度不健全,参与 评估的公民代表性不足、参与意识和参与能力不高,评估内容和方式 单一、评估结果的运用不合理等问题。第四章介绍了英国、美国等国 家在公民参与法治政府绩效评估方面的成功经验,指出国外经验对我 国的借鉴意义。第五章针对现存的主要问题,提出促进公民参与法治 政府绩效评估的总体思路及具体措施,例如:加强公民参与意识与参 与能力的培养,转变理念、加强公民有序参与的制度建设,完善公民 参与法治政府绩效评估的系统等。 关键词:政府绩效评估,法治政府,公民参与 RULE OF CITIZENS PARTICIPATIONIN GOVERNMENT PERFORMANCE EVALUATION RESEARCH ——TAKING JIANGSU CHANGSHU CITY AS AN EXAMPLE ABSTRACT The building of a government ruled by law is an important part of China’s construction of political civilization, democracy and legal system. In October 2010, the document “ HYPERLINK /law/display.asp?ID=8553amp;DB=1 Opinions of the State Council on HYPERLINK /law/display.asp?ID=8553amp;DB=1 strengthening the building of a government ruled by law”was issued in order to implement the basic strategy of governing the country according to law, promote law-based administration in an all-round way, and provide reference for strengthening the building of a law-ruled government in the new situation. The law-based administration is the foundation of the law-ruled government construction. Public participation, as an important guarantee for the law-based administration, is also an integral part and a typical model of law-ruled government construction, whose manner and extent determine the process of realizing the objective of legal government. As the evaluation subjects, citizens participate in specific ways to evaluate government performance. Strengthening public participation is the working emphasis and an inevitable trend of promoting government performance evaluation. In recent years, with the acceleration of law-ruled government construction, some local governments have promoted the government performance evaluation and placed public participation as a main task. Unfortunately, the research in this fi


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