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专 业:安全技术及工程 硕 士 生:许婵娟 指导老师:张树平 教授
摘 要
近年来,公共建筑日益兴盛,各类公共建筑在大中城市拔地而起。由于使用 功能的特殊性,这类建筑的人员流动性较大,多数人对建筑的平面布局较为陌生, 因此保证这类建筑的安全性尤为重要。
大型会议中心建筑是公共建筑的一类典型,存在大空间公共建筑的一些特点: 单一空间面积大、净空高、人流集中、暂时性人员密度大等。同时,由于建筑的 使用功能的要求,又使得其内部空间难以进行实体分隔,这就必然导致这类建筑 的防火设计往往难以满足现行防火规范的要求,存在诸多防火设计问题。常见的 有:防火分区面积过大、安全疏散距离过长、防排烟设施以及自动喷淋灭火设施 等一些常规消防设备不能有效实现其消防功能等。本课题研究的主要目的是了解 当前国内大空间公共建筑防火设计所面临的瓶颈,为大空间公共建筑尤其是大型 会议中心类建筑的防火设计提供解决思路。
本课题在上述理论研究的基础上,针对工程实例进行分析。以某大型会议中 心为例,对其防火设计上存在的与现行防火设计规范相矛盾的区域进行性能化设 计与分析,针对上述区域提出性能化解决方案,解决了其大空间内的烟气控制问 题以及人员密集情况下的安全疏散问题。并且依据上述设计,对本工程案例性能 化防火设计的可行性进行分析,得出分析结论。
Studies on Fire Performance-based Design for Large conference center
Specialty: Safety Technology and Engineering Author: Xu Chanjuan
Instructor: Professor Zhang Shuping
In recent years, public buildings increasingly prosperous, all kinds of public buildings in modern cities have surged. Because of the particularity of the use function, this kind of construction personnel liquidity is bigger, most people on the building of plane more strange, thus ensure the safety of this kind of architecture is particularly important.
Large conference center building is a kind of typical public building. there are some of the features in common: large single space area, high headroom, personnel intensive and mobility, etc. Another, because of the use request of building, the interior space cannot be partitioned off, which will inevitably lead to a problem that its fire prevention is difficult to be under the code for fire protection. Such as: fire compartment and evacuation distance over the standard, conventional fire equipments such as smoke facilities and the automatic spray will be failure. This study is mainly to know the fire design bottlenecks that the large public buildings facing in current, especially for large conference centers. Then provide a fire prevention design solution for such buildings.
A large conference center as an exa
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