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II II 摘要 网上房屋租赁市场的交易关系涉及到三个方面的参与者,包括房东、网站以 及消费者。本文主要从市场及消费者的角度对交易的发生进行研究,其中将着重 研究消费者即主要有哪些因素在影响消费者的购买意愿的产生,引入就业状态作 为逻辑变量,将大学毕业生群体分为两大类型:一是未就业群体,二是已就业群 体。根据上述分类,并在参考相关研究文献的基础上,本文建立了大学毕业生网 上房屋合租的购买意愿模型,分别探讨对已就业群体和未就业群体购买意愿产生 的主要影响因素。 本文采取实证研究的方法,通过对网上房屋租赁市场的现有用户和潜在用户 进行问卷调查,结合研究模型,运用 SPSS 统计软件完成数据分析和假设检验。 最后,本文在上述实证研究结论的基础上,结合国内外的相关研究,为大学 毕业生网上房屋租赁市场的用户和网站提出一些理论和实践上的建议 关键词:购买意愿 就业 网上合租 实证研究 影响因素 Abs Abstract III III Abstract The college expansion, the unconscionable employment structure, and the imperfectness of employment market, causing hard to get a job has become a social problem. In the same time, proud graduates from universities also face more and more job pressure such as it takes much more time to get a proper job and the salary is decrease year by year. According to survey, the prospective salary of graduates in 04 is 3000 to 4000, but in 07 it’s about 2000, and “The Employment Status of University Graduates in 2007” issued by Educational and Economical Research of Beijing University and High Education Research recently has showed that the practical rate of graduates employment in 2007 is 70%, the average starting salary is 1798RMB, and half of them are below 1500RMB. More young people choose to leave their hometowns instead of stay there to seek more suitable chances for their development. Flow has become a big feature in today’s career field. With high development of economy, the space length has become closer and closer, and the convenient transportation and looser census register management also make working in different places possible. The first problem of working in another place faced by graduates is how to solve housing problem. The housing system reform makes welfare housing as history, and high house price also makes buying a suit of own house personally in short term is a extravagant wish. At the same time, the high flow also baffles desire of buying houses, therefore, renting house together becomes the first choice of this group with its high co



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