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摘要 过热器和再热器超温爆管一直是困扰电厂正常安全运行的主要问题之一,而 热偏差的存在是过热器和再热器超温爆管存在的主要原因,所以解决锅炉炉膛热 偏差问题对于锅炉安全、经济运行具有重要的意义和应用价值。 实际上完全消除热偏差是不可能的,锅炉燃烧过程很复杂,影响热偏差的 因素很多。本文首先从理论上分析了热偏差形成的主要机理,剖析了生产现场中 实际锅炉的设计不当和运行不合理两方面的因素。根据平好发电厂在试验过程中 测量出的数据看,引起锅炉热偏差的原因主要来自烟气侧热力偏差和工质侧的水 力偏差。 本文针对安徽省平好发电厂 2 号炉(HG - 2008/186 - M) 过热器和再 热器的热偏差,从工程量的大小和经济性考虑,蒸汽侧的改造要以烟气侧的条件 为前提,所以本文主要从烟气侧提出改造方案,借鉴于数值模拟方法,在保留四 角切圃燃烧方式优点的前提下,提出反复起旋、消旋的燃烧缉啧口布置方 式,以达到、维持炉内稳定的弱旋状态,从而来解决热偏差的问题,建议这种喷 口布置方式在将来的锅炉改造、设计中予以尝试。 通过本论文的试验研究表明,大型四角切圆燃煤锅炉的受热面在蒸汽系统中 连接方式、屏(片〉夹管的设计、燃烧器喷口布置等均存在问题,应进一步加强 研究,在这方面本论文的试验研究结果具有很好的参考价值和实际指导意义。 关键词s 锅炉热偏差燃烧 1 Abstract Overtemperatureωbe burst in the superheater and reheater h且sb臼n one ofthe main problems which puzzled 也e natural and safe oper;创ion in the power plant a11 a1ong,and the occuring of heat difference is the main factor which caused the overtemperature tube burst in the superh笛,ter and reheater,50 it is very important and valuable in application to resolve the problem of heat difference in 也rnace for the boilers safely and economically operating , In practice,because of the complex firing in boiler and the plenty of factors which caused the heat difference,it is impossible to ∞mpletely avoid the heat difference. This paper firstly analyzes the main mechanism of heat difference in theory,and anatomizes 也e two sides of causes which 缸e improp町 design and iIlogìcal operation. According to the data measured from 由e test in PingYu Power Plant,the main causes of heat difference in boiler come 企om the therrnal deviatìon of flue gas sìde and the heat abωrbing de世atìon of work medium. This paper maìnly researches the heat difference ìn the superheater and reheater ofNo.2 boi1er in Píng Yu Power Plant in 却由山 Considering from the p时酬g scale and economy,the rebuildìng of steam side is based on the condìtìon of f1ue gas sìde, 也is paper mainly bring forward 由e project from f1ue gas side. Wìth the re如ence of numerical simulation method and the premise of reserving the 训rtue of tangential 吨, this paper advanc


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