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发达国家高等教育质量评估模式及其对 我国的启示 暴雪静 安徽师范大学硕士学位论文 二○一四年四月 ·II· 本论文经答辩委员会全体委员审查,确认符合安徽师范大学 硕士学位论文质量要求。 答辩委员会签名: 主席:(工作单位、职称) 委员: 导师: ·III· 发达国家高等教育质量评估模式 及其对我国的启示 摘 要 发达国家的高等教育评估起步较早,并且根据自己国家的政治、经济 和文化建立起不同的高等教育评估模式来保障本国的高等教育质量。作为 发达国家的代表,美国和英国有着世界顶尖的大学,它们的高等教育质量 评估模式虽然也经历了很多的困难和挑战,但是现在发展是比较完善的。 他们的评估主体一般是由政府、市场和高校三者共同组成,只是根据不同 的国情有所侧重,最终达到平衡。评估主要是有外部评估和内部评估两种 类型,评估的程序也是由专门的法律法规规定。 我国的高等教育质量评估起步较晚,虽然现在具有中国特色的高等教 育质量评估模式已经建立,并且在不断发展中,但是在实践的过程中还是 可以看出一定问题的。我国的评估是以政府为主体的,民间机构的参与度 很小,无论是评估的具体内容还是评估的程序中都体现了政府的绝对主导 性。 我国的国情虽然与英美等发达国家显著不同,但是在高等教育质量评 估方面还是可以借鉴的,并且可行性较大,根据我国的国情和英美国家的 经验可以从政府、高校和社会这三个角度共同努力以达到完善我国高等教 育质量评估的目的。 关键词:高等教育,质量评估模式,高等教育质量 ·IV· Quality Assessment Models of Higher Education in Developed Countries and the Enlightenment to Our Country Abstract The evaluation of higher education in developed countries started earlier. According to their own policy, economy and culture, developed countries set up different kinds of quality assessment model to ensure the quality of higher education. As the representatives of developed countries, America and England have the top universities in the world. The evaluation of the quality of higher education experienced a lot of difficulties and challenges, but for now it has developed relatively perfect. Their main assessment is generally composed of the government, the market and the university, which will be emphasized particularly according to different national circumstances and finally achieve the balance. The assessment has two types: the external evaluation and the internal evaluation. The procedure of assessment is prescribed by special laws and regulations. Quality Assessment of Higher Education started late in China. Although the quality assessment model with Chinese characteristics has been established, the process can still be seen some problems in practice. Our quality assessment is based on the government. The participation of private sector is very small. It reflects the governments power absolutely whether the content



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