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万方数据 万方数据 摘 要 随着时代的发展、信息技术的普及,充分利用信息化技术的快捷便利,改进 成人教育管理模式,提高管理效率,是我国各大高等院校目前面临或正在实现的 一项重要任务。 大学教学教务管理过程中大量的数据采用文本或者电子稿管理,管理效率不 高,随着招生数量的大规模扩张,教务管理功能必须得到很好的提升,并以此为 基础为未来的高层次的教学进一步的扩充都需要一个功能强大的教务管理平台 为系统支撑。 本课题目前已经顺利实现,达到预期开发的目标。本系统采用 B/S 体系结构, 采用基于 J2EE 技术的 SSH 框架技术进行系统的软件逻辑架构设计,数据库选用 MySQL,Web 应用服务器采用 Tomcat 6,操作系统使用 Windows 2003 Server。 开放式架构,易部署、易维护;具有良好的开放性,支持通用开发语言环境下的 应用开发。涵盖了继续教育学院日常工作的招生、学籍、教材、成绩、课程模块 全方位、多角度的教务管理流程。 关键词: B/S 教学 管理 平台 ABSTRACT With the development of the times and the popularity of the information technology,mking full use of information technology fastly and conveniently, improving adult education management and the efficiency of management,is our colleges important task to facing or being implemented currently. Text or electronic release management process large amounts of data used in the university educational management,the management efficiency is not high,with the expanding scale of enrollment,educational management function must be improved, and as a basis for future expansion of the high level of teaching educational administration further need a powerful platform for system support. This paper has a smooth implementation,and achieves the desired development objectives. This system adopts B/S system structure,the software design of the logic of the system architecture of SSH framework based on J2EE,the database is used by MySQL.With web application server,we use the Tomcat 6,and Windows2003 Server as the operating system. Open architecture,easy of deployment and maintenance; it has good openness,support application development in general development language environment. Covering the continuing education college’s daily work of the enrollment module,teaching material module,performance module,and the curriculum module ,to be a educational management of omni-directional and multi angle. Key words: B/S education management platform 目 录 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark0 第一章 绪论 1 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark1 1.1 项目背景 1 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark2 1.2 国内



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