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附件3: 学士学位论文 论仿生设计在包装中的运用 学 生 姓 名 指 导 教 师 专 业 装潢设计 系 别 年 级 2008级 完成论文时间 年 月 日 主题词 主题词 关键词:仿生设计 包装 运用 论文提要(中文) 自古以来,自然界就是人类各种科学技术原理及重大发明的源泉。生物界有着种类繁多的动植物及物质存在,它们在漫长的进化过程中,为了求得生存与发展,逐渐具备了适应自然界变化的本领。人类生活在自然界中,与周围的生物作“邻居”,这些生物各种各样的奇异本领,吸引着人们去想象和模仿。人类运用其观察、思维和设计能力,开始了对生物的模仿,并通过创造性的劳动,制造出简单的工具,增强了自己与自然界斗争的本领和能力。 而包装在我们的生活中至关重要,随着当今社会的不断发展,人们对物质产品的需求也在不断的提升,所以包装的美观和合理化也是至关重要的,它已经不是一个简单的商品包装,而是消费者对商品质量和价值的判断。 当今科技和经济都在飞速发展,所以人们对包装会有新的需求。那么仿生设计的包装就符合当今人们对于包装形式的新的需求。因为它有突出的个性,新颖的造型,能够使消费者感到熟悉亲切。 在这次的设计中,通过仿生去表达我们的创作意图,我们也借助仿生的运用,让观者对包装产生亲切感和联想,从而达到我们设计的最终目的和意义。 仿生与我们的设计主题是相呼应的,借助了仿生来表达包装中的自然、亲切、生活。 Since ancient times, human nature is a variety of scientific and technological principle Since ancient times, human nature is a variety of scientific and technological principle and the major source of invention.Biological industry has a wide variety of plants and animals and the material existence, they are in the long evolution process, in order to seek survival and development, and gradually adapt to natural changes. Human life in nature, with the surrounding biological neighbors, these creatures are all kinds of strange power, to attract people to the imagination and imitation. Human use of the observation, thinking and design capabilities, started the imitation of living, and through the creative work, to create a simple tool, enhance their skills and ability and the nature of the struggle. And packaging in our lives is essential, along with the continuous development of society, peoples need to the material product are also constantly upgrading, so the packaging appearance and rationalization is also very important, it is not a simple commodity packaging, but consumers on product quality and value judgment. Current science and technology and economy are developing fast, so people will h


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