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I I 摘 要 磁约束激光诱导等离子体是用磁场来约束等离子体中带电粒子的运动,将等离子 体限制在一定区域,不让它们扩散的技术。其广泛应用在激光诱导击穿光谱,磁约束 核聚变技术,光刻技术以及磁控溅射技术等领域,受到各国研究人员极大关注。由于 其物理过程十分复杂,因此我们需要对磁场约束下的激光诱导等离子体膨胀动力学特 性进行深入的研究。 本文主要研究了磁场约束下等离子体微观粒子行为,等离子体羽体膨胀形态,等 离子体冲击波膨胀过程等物理过程。 建立磁场约束下激光诱导等离子体发射光谱实验系统,并优化实验条件,最终的 实验结果表明在磁场约束下铜等离子体内原子光谱和离子光谱均有所增强。 通过分析等离子体时间空间演化过程,结合电子温度、电子密度及不同的靶材性 质、激发脉冲的激光能量从电子通过磁场焦耳加热获得能量,碰撞几率增加,离子电 子复合几率增加三个方面对磁场约束下等离子体发射光谱增强进行了解释 。对磁场约 束下等离子体发射光谱强度增强的物理原因进行了探讨。 通过快速摄影法观察到特定时刻的等离子羽体内部紊乱,在靠近靶材的一小区域 内,等离子羽体内部温度高于其他位置。而这时间节点可以和等离子体发射光谱时间 演化过程中出现的双峰结构相呼应,进一步验证了光谱增强的解释。等离子羽体中后 期膨胀形态上变得狭长,我们通过等离子体冲击波图像看到,等离子体内部有剧烈波 动,可以推断信号区域内电子密度很高,和之前快速摄影反映的同一区域等离子体在 径向压缩一致。验证了磁流体力学不稳定性造成上述结果。 关键词:磁约束 激光等离子体 激光诱导击穿光谱 快速摄影 阴影成像 II II ABSTRACT Confinement by magnetic field is used to constrain the movement of the plasma charged particles in the field, the plasma confinement in a certain area. Avoid the spread of technology. It is widely used in laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, magnetic confinement fusion technology, lithography technology and magnetron sputtering technology, researchers have been of great concern to all countries. Due to its physical process is very complex, so we need research magnetic field under the constraint of the laser-induced plasma expansion dynamics of in-depth. The thesis studies the behavior of microscopic particles of plasma magnetic field constraints, the physical process of plasma plume expansion body shape, plasma shock wave expansion processes. Under the established field of laser-induced plasma atomic emission spectrometry constrained experimental system and optimize the experimental conditions, the final results showed that the magnetic field within the constraint of copper plasma atomic spectroscopy and ion spectra were all enhanced. Investigation on the spatial and temporal evolution of the plasma, combined with the electron temperature, electron density, and the different nature of the target, the laser excitation pulse energy obtained from the electrons through magnetic Joule hea



peili2018 + 关注


