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PAGE 精品 精品 内蒙古财经学院本科学年论文 ? ? 新型营销方式在旅游业中的运用 ——影视营销在旅游景区发展中的思考 ? ? ? ? ? ? 作 者 院 系 旅游学院 专 业 旅游管理 年 级 学 号 成 绩 指导教师 导师职称 讲师 ? ? ? 内容提要 一直以来,我国旅游业常以“走访旅行社、参加旅交会、开办推荐会、旅游大篷车”等传统营销模式为主,主要对象为旅行社。然而,随着文化旅游的全面兴起和散客旅游时代的逐渐到来,这种营销模式的弊端日渐凸显,越来越制约着我国旅游业的发展。 如何进行市场推广已成为景区的重要课题。采取何种行之有效的推广手段也成为各大景区的当务之急了。影视推广在这时被人提出和发现,无疑是给景区推广提出了新的模式和操作方法,使得推广方式更加多样式。 一部或者数部影视作品激活一处旅游景点,这几乎已经成为中国乃至世界旅游业的通则,《指环王》在新西兰拍摄的消息就是通过媒体的剪报披露的,使人们最早将《指环王》和新西兰联系了起来。电影《少林寺》之于少林寺,《大红灯笼高高挂》之于乔家大院,电视连续剧《八仙过海》之于蓬莱阁等等,均被人们视作经典案例。 增加营销推广方式,研究新型营销模式促进中国旅游业发展,势在必行。 关键字:新型营销 影视营销 旅游景区 影响研究 影视业 旅游业 Abstract Since Chinas tourism industry, with visit to travel, LvJiaoHui, open TuiJianHui caravans traveling, such as traditional marketing mode, the main objects to travel. However, with the rise of cultural tourism overall F.I.T travel times and gradually coming, the marketing mode gradually highlights and restricts the development of tourism. How to marketing has become an important topic of scenic spots. What is the effective method to promote become urgent scenic spot. In this video promotion by and found, it is proposed to promote the new mode area and operation method, and makes the promotion means more variety. A number of film and television works or a tourist spots and activate it has almost become the norm in China and the world tourism, the rings in New Zealand is through the media of news clippings of disclosure, make people as the rings and New Zealand. The film shaolin temple, in shaolin temple, raise the red lantern in the yard, qiao TV series eight in the pavilion, etc., are people as classic case. Marketing research, add new marketing mode to promote Chinas tourism development, imperative. Key words: a new marketing video marketing Tourism scenic spots Impact study film film 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc272504063 一、影视营销在旅游景区发展中的运用与研究概述 PAGEREF _Toc2



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