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毕业设计 题 目: 水草清理装置水下机构 的设计 摘 要 针对河道、水塘等水域具有航道窄、面积小,一般的大型水草收割机难以实现水草收割的现状,本文设计了一种结构紧凑,机构传动平稳,效率高,适合在中小尺度水域作业的小型水草收割机。 论文概述了水草收割机的发展背景、研究现状及分类;完成了水草收割机水下部分的机构设计,主要包括清除机构和定位机构;阐述了前置往复式切割器和旋转式升降台的总体设计方案、工作原理、参数计算以及试验校核;同时,为了防止二次污染,本文还另外设计了水草回收装置,通过传送带将水草运回船体;按照任务要求完成了装置总装图与各主要零部件图的绘制;最后,通过Solidworks软件的动画仿真验证了机构设计的合理性。 结果表明:所设计的小型水草收割机具有结构合理、紧凑,适应性强,切割效率高等优点。这种新型的水草收割机可在水下实现切割,捡拾、传送一体化连续作业方式,能够达到清除泛滥的水草,净化水质的目的。总的来说,是一种较为理想的水草收获机具。 关键词:小型水草收割机;水下机构设计;动画仿真 Abstract Waters such as rivers,ponds are generally with narrow waterway and small area,so general large aquatic weed harvesters can hardly harvest hydrophytes.To eliminate the current phenomenon, smaller aquatic weed harvester is designed in this paper.It has compact structure, smooth transmission and high efficiency ,at the same time ,it is suitable for working in the small and medium waters. This article summarizes the development background,research status and classification of the aquatic weed harvester.;the mechanism design of underwater part of the aquatic weed harvesters, including clear organization and positioning mechanism,is completed;the paper describes the overall design, working principle, parameter calculation and experimental check of front reciprocating cutter and rotating lift;meanwhile, in order to prevent secondary pollution, the paper also designs of the recovery agencies, the aquatic weeds will be shipped back to the hull through the conveyor belt;what’s more,the study also finishes the work of the main device assembly parts drawing.Finally, this paper’s simulation result proves the rationality of the design with the animation of the software Solidworks. The results show that: the smaller aquatic weed harvester has many advantages of reasonable and compact structrue, high adaptability and high efficiency to harvesting.The new aquatic weed harvesters can r



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