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PAGE 一、标题:石灰法造纸集中处理          (毕业设计) 二、摘要:介绍了一种以麦草为原料,采用石灰法造纸排放废水集中处理的 工程实例。通过收浆、混凝沉淀、水解酸化、SBR工艺实现了废水达标排 放。该工程经过6个月的运行情况表明,对COD、BOD5、SS的去除率特 别高。水处理运行成本约0.513元/m3(未考虑收浆产生的效益),回收的浆 料回用于生产,实现了环境效益和 HYPERLINK /Economic/ 经济效益的协调 HYPERLINK /fazhan/ 发展。造纸厂主要是以美 废、国废为主要造纸原料并附有各种废旧纸箱、报刊杂志等原材料,废水主 要来源于打浆、洗浆工段和抄造工段,废水中主要的污染因子为SS、CODCr、 BOD5。废水中含有大量难降解有机物质,该公司生产废水有以下特点。1、 SS含量较大;2、BOD5/CODCr比值较低,不易生化。依据该厂的水质、水量 特点及调试期当地环保部门的要求制定相应的调试方案:生化和物化分开处 理。“七五”以来,我国对造纸废水的处理工艺和技术进行了大量的研究和探 索,特别是轻工业系统的设计院和科研单位,对造纸废水的处理进行了各方 面的试验、研究和实践,取得了行之有效的成功经验,逐渐形成了以生化为 主、生化与物化相结合的处理工艺。生化法中常用的有活性污泥法、生物膜 法、厌氧与好氧相结合法、水解酸化与SBR相组合等各种处理工艺。 这些处理方法与工艺各有其特点和不足之处,但各自都有较为成功的经验。 目前还有不少新的处理方法和工艺优化组合正在试验和研究,有的已取得了 理想的成效,不久将应用于实践中。 Abstract ? Lime paper dealing with wastewater treatment is a kind of wheat straw as raw materials to use recycled paper using lime to focus on the discharge of wastewater engineering examples. Coagulation and precipitation through to pulp, acid hydrolysis, SBR process to achieve a wastewater discharge standards, the process to achieve a wastewater discharge standards. After six months of operation showed that the COD, BOD, SS removal of the high water treatment operating costs by about 0.513 yuan (per square metre) for the recovery of pulp production, to achieve the environmental benefits and economic benefits of coordinated development , Waste paper mill in the United States, the waste of raw materials for the main paper carton with a variety of newspapers and magazines, and other waste materials yuan, mainly used for waste water washing Beating Section and CC Section, water has the following :1, SS major content; 2, BOD / COD ratio lower; difficult biochemistry, based on the quality and quantity characteristics of the plant and commissioning of the requirements of the local environmental protection departments formulate corresponding adjustment programmes; biological and physical-chemical dealt with separately.



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