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河南理工大学万方科技学院本科毕业论文 第 PAGE 2 页 摘 要 本设计任务是日产10000吨熟料生产线水泥粉磨系统工艺设计。经过配料计算,物料平衡计算,主机平衡计算,储库平衡计算,料的储存与均化、水泥粉磨车间的设计等步骤。 水泥粉磨环节,采用目前较为广泛使用的辊压机预粉磨系统,该粉磨系统系将物料先经辊压机辊压后送入后续球磨机粉磨成成品。该系统目前运用技术已日趋成熟,具有节能高效等特点,为大多数大型水泥厂家所接受。 随着水泥生产技术和水泥生产规模的发展,水泥粉磨设备在大型化的同时,各国在节约能源,提高粉磨效率方面也得到了较大的发展,如采用节能型磨机、高效选粉机、新型衬板改善易磨部件的材质;添加助磨剂降低水泥温度等新设备与新技术。 关键字:水泥 新型干法 水泥粉磨 Abstract The design task is the Nissan production line of 10,000 tons of cement clinker grinding system process design. Through the formula calculation, the material balance calculation, the host balance calculation, reservoir balance calculation, material storage and homogenization, cement grinding plant design steps. Cement grinding part, the more widely used by the current roller press pre-grinding system, the Department of the material before grinding system by the press roll after roll up into the ball mill grinding into finished products. The system is the use of technology has matured, so has the energy efficient features, as accepted by most large cement house. With the cement production capacity of cement production technology and the development of large scale cement grinding facilities in the same time, countries in energy conservation, improve the grinding efficiency has also been considerable development, such as using energy-efficient mills, high efficiency separator machine, the new liner to improve the grindability of the material components; add cement grinding aids reduce the temperature of new equipment and new technologies. Keywords : cement dry cement grinding 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc263798907 1前 言 PAGEREF _Toc263798907 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc263798908 2 配料计算 PAGEREF _Toc263798908 \h 4 HYPERLINK \l _Toc263798909 2.1 原、燃料质量评定 PAGEREF _Toc263798909 \h 4 HYPERLINK \l _Toc263798910 2.1.1建厂原始数据 PAGEREF _Toc263798910 \h 4 HYPERLINK \l _Toc263798911 2.1.2原燃料质量评定 PAGEREF _Toc263798911 \h 5 HYPERLINK \l _Toc263798912 2.2 配料计算 PAGEREF _Toc263798912 \h 5 HYPERLINK \l _Toc263798913


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