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攻读硕士学位期间的研究成果 PAGE I 精品 浅析农民旅游市场开发对策 摘要 目前,农民旅游市场已具备一定数量规模,但却没有形成经济规模,也没有受到足够的重视。农民旅游在中国虽刚起步,存在着诸如消费结构不合理、旅游季节性强等问题,但其发展却充满强劲的活力。随着农村“小康”建设的逐步实施,农民经济状况的进一步改善,农民旅游市场的开发必定会成为今后旅游业拓展业务的主方向和工作重心。农民旅游是我国国内旅游不可缺失的重要组成部分,在国内旅游蓬勃发展的今天,开发占中国人口50.32%的农民旅游市场,不论对刺激国内消费,还是对发展中的旅游业,意义都是十分重大的。 对于当今我国旅游行业竞争已进入白热化的现实,开发农民旅游市场是旅游业和谐发展中一个值得研究的重要课题,是时代的要求,也是一个发展机遇,更是一个挑战。本文从农民旅游市场的开发现状和特点入手,搜集并整理了近些年来有关于我国农民旅游的数据资料,总结了目前农民旅游市场存在的一些重要问题,深入分析了造成目前农民旅游市场开发不利的各种原因,在此基础上对农民旅游市场的开发提出几点具有针对性的建议。 关 键 词:农民旅游,市场开发,对策建议 ANALYSIS ON THE STRATEGY OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF CHINA PEASANT TOURISTS ABSTRACT Currently, the peasant tourism market has already had a certain quantity scale, but hasn’t formed economic scale, enough attention hasn’t been given either. China’s peasant tourism is still on initial stage, Despite many problems exist, such as the unreasonable consumption structure, tourism seasonally strong issues, its development is full of great vitality. With the construction of well-off rural implemented step by step, the improvement of farmers economic condition, the development of peasant tourism market will become the main direction and focus of tourism business expansion. Peasant tourism is indispensable to China’s domestic tourism. Now, with the vigorous development of domestic tourism, it is of great significance to develop peasant tourism market accounting for one to seconds of China’s population. It is conducive to stimulating domestic consumption and developing China’s tourism industry. For the competition of today’s China tourism industry has entered the white-hot reality, to exploit peasant tourism market in developing harmonious tourism is a great subject worthy of studying. It is not only the requirement of times, but also a development opportunity and a challenge. After presenting the current situation and the characteristics of the peasant tourism, collecting and organizing the related data of these years, this paper summarizes the problems existing in the peasant tourism ma


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