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PAGE PAGE 1 三民版第一冊句型 1 N子句:what S + V I Rewrite the sentences with the above pattern. 1 Keep doing the things which the doctor suggests. →________________________________________________________________ 2 I can’t agree to the things that the man said. →_______________________________________________________________ 3 Jimmy wanted to buy the things that we were talking about. →_______________________________________________________________ 4 Do not eat the fruit which you haven’t washed. →_______________________________________________________________ 5 Mother wore the thing which we sent her for Mother’s Day. →_______________________________________________________________ II Translate the following Chinese sentences into English. 1 Tina要我說出我得到的東西。 Tina wants me to tell her _________________. 2 Daniel不知道他的女朋友想要什麼來當作聖誕禮物。 Daniel doesn’t know _____________________ for Christmas. 3 我們還不知道今天晚上想吃什麼。 We don’t know __________________ for dinner yet. 4 Jessie不敢相信她所聽到的事。 Jessie couldn’t believe ___________________. 5 Susan聽不到那個樂團正在演奏什麼。 Susan couldn’t hear _____________________. ********************************************************************* 2 S + Vt (leave/keep) + O + OC (adj./prep. phrase) . . . S + Vt (make) + O + OC (adj./N.) . . . 此句型中的「不完全及物動詞」(incomplete transitive verb)後面,除了接受詞外, 還需要有受詞補語對受詞加以補充說明,才能完全表達句意。常用於此句型的 動詞除了課本裡列舉的之外,尚有have、see或feel等。而受詞補語除了形容 詞外,也可以是名詞片語、分詞片語或介系詞片語。 此外,make作使役動詞時表示「使;要(強迫)」之意;let表示「允許,讓」;have表示「使,讓」時,受詞後面接原形動詞作為受詞補語。例: ◇ The teacher made her students recite a poem every day. ◇ My boss let me make a quick phone call. ◇ My mother had me set the table. 文法加油站 不完全及物動詞的種類有以下5種: 1 感官動詞:如see、hear、feel等。例: ◇ We heard birds singing in the tree. ◇ I saw a pencil on the desk. ◇ I felt it necessary to call the police. 2 使役動詞:如have、make、get 等。此類動詞可以接表被動的過去分詞 (V-en),或是表主動的現在分詞(V-ing),例: ◇ Steve had his hair cut. ◇ The return of her son made Mrs. Wh


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