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万方数据 万方数据 摘 要 近年来,随着我国城市快速发展与更新,新形成的场所空间总缺乏一定吸引 力,这使人们意识到营造场所空间氛围的价值。在当代,场所作为建筑界关注的 热点话题,与之关系密切的材料问题被纳入场所研究体系中,人们不断地从理论 与实践两方面进行研究与实践。本文从材料与场所的关联性视角出发,归纳材料 应用对场所氛围营造的积极因素,结合当代语境下材料的演化更新,探讨新时期 材料的应用策略,作为场所营造的指导并深化设计内涵。 研究始于对材料、场所各自相关理论的系统梳理,从材料的属性、场所的定 义与特征论述二者的紧密关联,并结合现象学理论予以论证说明。文章主体部分 以材料的“地点”与“时间”因素作为研究切入点,通过分析影响场所氛围的条 件因子,论述在“地点”与“时间”因素影响下材料应用对于场所表达的重要性。 在“地点性”层面,文章从材料本体表达、地域性特征、新材料的引入以及建造 方式角度进行阐述说明;在“时间性”层面,文章从即时性与持久性角度揭示材 料的自身演化、光与材料的互动关系以及人的行为影响对场所感塑造的作用与意 义。文章最后结合对国内外经典建筑案例分析形成具有指导意义的操作策略,并 对未来材料与场所关联性发展进行展望。 材料应用与场所表达既是实践性问题,又是观念性问题。研究方法体现实践 性、理论性与历史性的综合,具体通过案例分析、文献研究、实地调研进行论证 求解。论文意义在于引入地点、时间因素作为材料与场所关联性研究的出发点, 深化建筑学科研究内涵;其次,通过对当代建筑材料应用与场所表达关联性的系 统梳理,总结与提炼基于“地点”与“时间”因素下材料应用策略与方法,以期 营造具有积极意义的场所氛围,同时赋予场所一定的文化内涵;最后,针对我国 目前现状,结合应用策略与方法对当代建筑操作形成评价与指导。 关键词: 材料 场所 地点 时间 策略 ABSTRACT With the development and renewal of the city in recent years, the newly formed place seems to be lack of attraction that makes people aware of the significance created by the atmosphere of place and space. Place is a hot topic of contemporary architecture and material is closely related to place. Both of them have been included into the research system. The researches and experiments on this impact from both theory and practice are being carried out. From the relevance perspective between material and place, this article summarizes positive factors, combining with the evolution of material update, discusses the application strategy of materials in the new period, as a direction to build the place and deepen the connotation of the design. The research starts with the theory of material and place, discusses the relationship from material properties and the definition and characteristics of place, and illustrates it connecting with the theory of phenomenology. Taking topos and time of material as research perspective, by analyzing the formation conditions that affected by the atmosphere of place and combining with the phenomenological theory, the importance of material applications to



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