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摘 要
期权交易起始于十八世纪后期的美国和欧洲市场,在其后的几十年里,期权 定价理论以及应用方面的研究迅速发展,并且取得了丰硕的成果。B-S期权定价公 式是在经典的资本市场理论下建立的模型。由于这种研究忽略了金融市场的非线 性分形以及其复杂性,经典的资本主义市场具有局限性,到现在己经不适应深层 次的金融市场需要。因此需要我们研究定位在更广泛的环境中,使其具有更加实 用的价值。
在有效市场假说下,标的资产的价格过程都是几何布朗运动。可是,标的资 产的波动一般具有自相似性和长期依赖等特征,我们知道几何布朗运动没有相应 的性质,这就会导致几何布朗运动与市场存在着一定程度上的差距,因此并不是 刻画标的资产价格的最理想的工具。而分数布朗运动是具有长期依赖性的自相似 过程,因此,用分数布朗运动代替几何布朗运动可以很好地描述标的资产的价格 过程,并能更贴切实际市场的结果,从而就有更好的适应性。研究者也发现,当实 际市场出现一些重大的信息时,价格的变化过程并不是连续的,我们采用跳-扩散 模型来反映这一不连续的特性。
第一、基于分数跳-扩散模型下的上限型买权的定价。 第二、基于分数跳-扩散模型下的抵付型买权的定价。 第三、基于分数跳-扩散模型下的局部支付型买权的定价。 第四、基于分数跳-扩散模型下的二项式变异期权的定价。
关键词: 奇异期权:几何布朗运动:分数布朗模型:分数跳-扩散过程:
Options trading began in the late eighteenth century in the United States and Eu- ropean markets, in the following decades, Option pricing theory and application research on rapid development, and achieved fruitful results. B the -s option pricing formula is set up under the classical capital market theory model. Because this study ignores the nonlinear fractal and the complexity of financial markets, Classic capitalist market has limitations, to now have not meet the need of deeper financial markets. So we need to research orientation in the broader environment, to make it More practical value.
Under the efficient market hypothesis, underlying asset pricing process is geometric Brownian motion. However, the volatility of the underlying asset generally has character- istics such as self-similarity and long-term dependence, We know a geometric Brownian motion, no corresponding properties, this leads to a geometric Brownian motion, and the market there is a certain degree of difference, so does not depict targets The most ideal tool for asset prices. And fractional Brownian motion is a long-term dependence of self-similar process, and therefore, replace geometric Brownian motion with fractional Brownian motion To well describe the process of underlying asset price, and can better the result of the actual market, which has bette
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