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II II 数量偏少。保障机制的缺陷表现在利益重组导致的女性权益受侵害;政策法规不 健全导致的女性权利受损害。培养激励机制缺陷表现在激励机制不健全,缺乏有 效地培养和选拔机制。 第四部分,改革和完善我国女性参政机制。本章节先阐述了北欧国家女性参 政的“最低比例制”,分析该制度下北欧女性参政的成功经验和可借鉴之处,又 分析了亚洲一些国家女性参政机制的成功之处,提出了我国女性参政机制的完善 措施。 关键词:当代中国;女性参政;机制 PAGE PAGE IV Mechanism of the contemporary Chinese women in politics Abstract China has a large number of population, women account for half of this country’s population, and they play an important role in the national political, economic, social field. National laws are explicitly stipulated women’s political rights, and guaranteed the equal status of women. Suffrage for women is an important content for women to exercise political rights. Women’s participation in politics is a vital content of political civilization, it cannot be ignored in political civilization. Female participation in politics in China has experienced different eras from ancient times to the present, and it has form stable mechanism of women’s participation in political, which has experienced very few women interventions - liberation of women consciousness - legal protection of women’s suffrage. After the founding of new China, women’s suffrage mechanism has been further development, and with the improvement of education and the awakening of individual consciousness, women’s suffrage consciousness gradually enhance, and part of the elite female step on leader position and contribute to national political and economic development. Women’s participation in politics is the important measure of whether women equally participate in country management, hence, it is important to improve the mechanism of female participation in politics, and in accordance with law, guarantee the right of women’s participation in politics. It is conducive to the progress and development of women themselves, and has benefit to improve the country’s political system construction, also has benefit to promote political harmony and social stability. However, women participation in politics still exist some iss



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