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摘 摘 要 I I 摘 要 改革开放以来,随着经济市场化的发展和政治领域改革的逐步深入,中国的 NGO 获得了很大的发展。但 NGO 在上世纪 70 年代之前很少引起人们的注意。今 天,中国的 NGO 引起来众多学者的注意,并取得了一定的研究成果。 本文主要从以下几个方面比较系统地论述了当代中国非政府组织的社会生 态环境:一、社会生态环境的发展与变迁及其对当代中国非政府组织的影响;二、 当代中国非政府组织对其社会生态环境的影响;三、对当代中国非政府组织的检 讨。最后,对当代中国非政府组织的进一步发展提出建议。 在过去的三十年中,中国社会发生了巨大的变化。经济上,社会主义市场经 济逐渐形成并日益成熟;政治上,民主和稳定都得到了一定程度的发展;文化上, 开放、平等、竞争的心态逐渐代替了过去的保守、等级、均贫的思想;社会方面, 家庭、单位等组织的功能日益社会化。这些方面的变化促进了当代中国非政府组 织的形成,并促使中国的非政府组织形成了自身特质,其中既有积极的方面,也 有不利的一面。当代中国非政府组织已经在很大程度上,并将进一步对转型中的 中国经济、政治、社会、文化等领域产生巨大的影响。同时,当代中国非政府组 织存在责任机制缺失、垄断性经营、资源不足、能力不足等诸多问题。这些问题 的存在严重制约了当代中国非政府组织的进一步发展。针对这些问题,笔者认为, 欲形成一个良好的非政府组织生态环境,我国必须在经济、政治、社会、文化等 领域进行广泛而又深刻的变革。 关键词:非政府组织;社会生态环境;变革 Abstract Abstract II II Abstract After reform and opening, with the development of the marketing in the economics and deeply reform in the field of political system gradually, the Chinese NGOs have had a great progress. But it almost did not catch the scholars ˊ sight until 1970s.Today the Chinese NGOs attract more and more scholarsˊ focus , and they also have made some findings in this field. In this article, the social environment is discussed systematically from the following several aspects: First, the development and variance of social environment, and its impact on the temporary NGO in China; Second, the influence which the temporary NGO in China acts on its social environment; Third, the animadversion on the temporary NGO in China. In the end of this article, the author tables a proposal about the further development of the temporary Chinese NGO. During the past 30 years, the great changes have taken place in China. In economy, socialism market economy comes into being and ripeness gradually; In politics, democracy and stabilization gain a certain development; In culture, open, equal and competitive thoughts gradually become the mainstream instead of conservative, ranked, equally poor ideas; In society,the functions of families, units and so on are becoming socialization. The changes of all these sides acce



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