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At me d锄site of Jiudianxia pfo{ect,river valley is narrow,overbllrden 1ayer is thick,and 曲【c geolo西c en西ne耐ng condition is compleX.111 mis thesis,by use of tlle mrcc.dilllensional
noIllillear丘【lite d咖ent method,me sⅢc锄d dⅥlaIIlic stmcnlre behavior ofJiudianxia concrete
face rodmll d釉is咖died in detail,锄d i乜rhe010西cal beha、,ior and血e si舢lation of sidewall
ex觚ion me山od are aIIalyzod too.The眢eneral law of s协ess and de{.0彻ation of“m concrete
facc rockfilI d咖on me comD“cated fbundation is researched and summarized. It is
deInons仃ated tIlat me s缸1lctllre deSi窖皿of伍e d锄is姐60nal,which provides tll∞rcdcal
foundation fbf desi2皿and cons廿枷on.The main contents are as f.onows:
1.According to t11e real condition ofJiudianxia concrete f如e ro幽ll d罩哪,the coIls仉lction
process and impoundmcⅡt process are s蛔ulated jn detail wi血me 3.D noIll沁ar FEM.The
s仃ess and displacement of tlle dam bodyanti.seepage wallconcfde fhce,p谢pheral{oint, f犯ing joint alld so on are obtained.n is shown mat me s插css眦d defomation of t}lc d锄are confbmed t0 the霉eneral law,and t11lc n砌erical value is inⅡle acceptdble r锄譬cmou曲t11e river valley is slcnder’overburden layer isⅡlick aIld the盛eolo画c enP血e曲譬condmon is complex.It
is proved that 1he dcsi留n ofme dam is mtional and fbasible.
2.The FEM aIlaIvsis modeI ofsidewalI cx虹usion mc也od is est曲1ishcd.And me calcul“on fesults show mat tlle s打ess aIld dispIao锄ent of me d锄in botll consmJction pe—od aIld iIIlpoll|1dment period is decreased,but曲e i11flucllce is litne wkl the sidewall ex加Jsion tcchnology is adopted.舳d me denection ofconcrete face is decrcascd,the曲∞ss is improved.
3.By use of me Kelvjn卸d B1ⅡJ飘s Itleological model,me cons恤lction pmcess and impoundlnent process are simIll删,and long-age def0Ⅱnation of d锄and concrcte fhce ancr nmIling for tcn years is f妇asted.hl additioIlt11e defonⅡation of d锄and concrete fhce
considcring the rheolo西cal beha“or of mck is compared wim也e one not considering the
rheolo西cal b6havioL And t11e innu
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