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州唰a唰u恻阳mnu 州唰a唰u 恻阳mnu 阳刷刷啼 , 州州州AMM 恻州叫aaT 刷刷。。 . 州州州州41 州州Y 摘要 中国企业已形成一股海外并购风,海外并购是沓对企业绩效有影响?公词 内部治理对海外并购绩效的影响关系如何? 等问题越来越提到决策的议程。 本文的主要研究成果 t 首先,对企业海外并购前后绩效差进行了方差分析,得出资产利润率、流 动资产周转率、资产负债率和资本积累率四个指标反映的绩效若在并购前后存 在显著性差异,据此,构建了本文的海外并购绩效体系。 其次,实证分析了其对海外并购绩效的影响,得出1.股权集中度、正向化 的股权制衡度和第一大股东为国有股与资产利润率、资产负债率反映的海外并 购绩效呈显著正相关关系; 2. 正向化的股权制衡度、第一大股东为固有股、董 事会规模和监事会规模与流动资产周转率反映的海外井购绩效存在显著正相关 关系; 3. 董事会规模、独立董事比、监事会规模和管理层持股与海外并购第二 年资本积累率代表的海外并购绩效里显著正相关关系。 最后,提出相应的对策:1.优化公词股权结构,适当提高股权集中度; 2. 合 理增大董事会、监事会规模,提高独立董事比例; 3. 提高管理应持股比例。 本文创新点:1.采用了多种统计计量方法进行研究; 2. 将公司治理变量 分别与代表公司磁利、偿债、运营和发展能力的四个绩效指标进行实证分析。 关键宇:海外并购:海外井购绩效:公司内部治理:上市公司 一 , Abstract Abstract 币le overseas M A become a trend for Chinese ∞mpanies. Whether the overseas mergers and acquisitions affect ∞叩orate performance? How the intemal govemance affect performance of overseas M A? The questions are increasingly referred to in decision-making agenda. The main research results are as follows: First of a11,this paper adopts single-factor analysis of variance to analyze whether the overseas mergers and acquisitions affect the ω甲orate performance. 丁he results are that after overseas mergers and acquisitions,附set profit ratio,tumover rate of circulating asset,asset liability ratio,and the rate of capital accumulation on behalf of the performance of the oversωmergers and acquisitions have si伊ificant difference ∞mparing to that before overseas mergers and acquisitions. Thus this paper constructs the system of the performance of overseas mergers and acquisitions ref1ected by the four performance indicators. Secondly,the paper applies the empirical analysis to study the impact of ω叩orate intemal govemance on 伽e performance of overseas M A .The results are as follows: 1.the ownership concentration ,the degree of positive balance of the equity and the largest shareholder being state-owned sh盯es bave sJgnificantly positive correlation with the performance of overseas M A ref1ected by asset pro自t ratio and the asset liabi


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