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华 华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 II II Abstract In recent years, Chinese government has made great efforts to resolve the problems of agriculture, peasants and the countryside. In order to relieve peasants’ heavy financial burden, it has cancelled agricultural tax. But that measure has brought several negative effects. Not only is the provision and maintenance of public goods in the rural areas threatened, basic agricultural infrastructure also deteriorates due to the lack of funding. The system of public goods provision is the transference and redistribution of rights and benefits. It involves many interconnected rules and mechanisms, such as the mechanisms of the expression of demand, policy-making, fund raising, production and management. In the era of People’s Communion, government was responsible to provide all public goods. After the implementation of family-based land-contracting system, public goods provision started to become problematic. With the wholesale cancellation of agricultural tax on January 1 of 2006, the problem has crystallized into a crisis. The system of public goods provision in rural areas is the embodiment of ethical pursuit, moral principles and values judgment. The government should justly protect and distribute the rights and obligations of all citizens. In order to achieve effectiveness, it needs to follow the principles of efficiency and fairness.Citizen participation is a key measure to enhance people’s rights in policy-making procedures. The channeling of social capital into public development projects can offset the deficiency of pubic investment. Key words: cancellation of agricultural tax; public goods in rural areas; provisioning mechanism PAGE IV PAGE IV 目 录 摘 要 I ABSTRACT II 1 绪 论 1.1 问题的提出 (1) 1.2 文献综述 (3) 1.3 研究思路 (5) 2 农村公共产品的特征功能分析及基本理论 2.1 农村公共产品的范围和特征 (7) 2.2 农村公共产品的功能分析 (10) 2.3 农村公共产品供给的基本理论 (12) 3 农村公共产品供给体制的历史演变及对比分析 3.1 农村税费制度改革回顾 (15) 3.2 人民公社时期的农村公共产品供给体制 (17) 3.3 联产承包责任制时期的农村公共产品供给体制 (19) 4 废除农业税后农村公共产品供给现



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