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山东科技大学硕士学位论文摘要 山东科技大学硕士学位论文 摘要 摘 要 本文系统阐述了支持向量机问题的产生及发展,总结和分析了近年来支持向量机领 域的研究成果。在前人研究的基础上,以支持向量机分类及支持向量回归机理论为基础, 对不确定支持向量机分类及不确定支持向量机回归的模型及算法进行了研究。全文共分 为四章,各章内容安排如下: 第一章,阐述了支持向量机问题的产生、发展过程,并概括介绍了不确定支持向量 机的求解方法及近年来的研究现状,及目前存在的一些问题。 第二章,简要介绍了支持向量机分类理论,特别详细介绍了不确定支持向量机分类, 对不确定输入数据服从对数正态分布的情况进行了研究,利用标准正态分布函数的可逆 性及单调性,得到不确定支持向量机的分类模型,并提出了用未确知数理论处理模型中 未确知量的分类方法。该方法有效地提高了分类的正确率。 第三章,通过引入噪音变量建立不确定支持向量回归机模型,在单参数条件下以支 持向量回归机理论为基础,建立了线性支持向量回归机及非线性支持向量回归机模型, 并给出了非线性情况的算法。然后用实验说明了不确定支持向量回归机的有效性,同时 说明该方法能有效处理噪音的干扰。 第四章是全文的总结以及对未来工作的展望和建议。 关键词:支持向量机,不确定,支持向量回归机,未确知数,单参数约束,噪音 ABSTRACT This paper introduces the development of Support Vector Machine systematica lly while summa rizing and analyzing the fruits on this field during the past. Based on the study of some researchers, we study severa l new algor ithms and the models about the uncertainty Support Vector Machines Classifica tion and Regression, basing on the theor y of the Support Vector Classifica tion and Regression. The whole paper contains four chapters, and it is arranged as follows: In the first chapter, we summa rily introduce the development and the current research situation as well as the solving met hod of the uncertainty Support Vector Machines , and exist ing some problems at present. In the second chapter, we introduce the theor y of the Support Vector machine Classifica tion, especia lly analyzing the uncertainty Support Vector Machines Classifica tion, and we study that the uncertain data obey the Log-nor mal distribution, and get the uncertainty classification model of Support Vector Machine, using the standard normal distribution monotonica lly and reversibly. At the same time, we propose the classification met hod that dealing with the uncertain information of the models with the uncertain number. This met hod can effectively improve the accuracy of classification. In the third chapter, we set up the model of the uncertainty Support Vector Regression by introd



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