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分段多参数输入抛光机控制系统的研究与设计 THE STUDY AND DESIGN OFSUB-MULTI-PARAMETER INPUT POLISHING 1\也主CHINE CONIROL SYSTEM ABSTRACT Progresses lUlceasingly along with the modem science teclmology and develops,dming different disciplines intersecting increases day by day. The modem machine manufactur‘e domain,as a reslùt of the nùcroelectrorùc teclmology and computer teclmologys rapid development and to the mechanical industrial tedmologys lUlceasing seepage,the madùne-building indu)try is marchìI嘻 ìIlt.o integrate也 automated, precise and the intellectualized new times,is also the ìIlevitable trend wJrich the present will develop. However the traditional bufl也19 machine technology still is very actually backwar吨 some are also even miI窜 manual control polishìIlg . Moreover the home regardìIlg the buffing machine is specially the bU:ffiIlg macl1ìIles product many are the simple operation,the polisl1ìIlg efficiency 10叽 the secme energy balance .So this topic has done the 且l1ther research and the design to the bu曲ng machines control system.Raised bU:ffiIlg machines WOI挝Ilg efficiency,saves the cost. Most imp01tantly replaced the traditional manual operation to realize bU:ffiIlg machines automation, improved its safety perfollnance,moreover ìIlcreased bU:ffiIlg machines polisl1ìIlg precision .. Tl1ìs topic is by silicon Corporations C805 1F330 as prìInaIily the controller. Commmùty technologies and so on mechaIùcal skill,l11ìcroelectrol1ìc technology, automatic control technology and software programn1ìIlg technology mùfies closely. AccordiIlg to system ftUlctions goal and the optìIl1ìZed orgaI1ìZation goal,reasonable disposition and the layout various ftUlctioI1,) m时,iII Im由i-pm‘pose,11ìgh grade,redlUldant reliable,ìIl the low energy COnS1Ul1ptions sìgI1ìficance realizes the specific 且U1ction value. The control system is maìIùy includes to polishes the pressm飞 the polishing time and the polishing rota圳tion址a1speed c∞Oα1lt咀r‘乃0叶1. Has t吐h览e 巾et(o岛口r.-rn C∞



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