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I I 地方政府视角下的民生财政研究 摘 要 本文是在高度关注民生的时代背景下,选取地方政府的独特视角来探讨构建民生财政 的相关问题,采用实证与规范相结合、历史与现实相结合、分析与综合相结合以及系统和 比较相结合的研究方法深入分析了我国民生财政具体实施过程中出现的问题、原因及解决 对策。指出尽管近几年我国政府高度关注民生,出台了一系列致力于改善民生的政策,但 效果并不明显,其主要原因在于地方政府作为政策的执行者在构建民生财政过程中却表现 为主动性不足,地方财政竞争激烈,使得改善民生的各项政策难以落到实处,民生问题愈 发严重,民生需求的呼声愈发强烈。 民生财政的概念最先由我国提出,在全球还未形成统一的提法,国外的研究主要表现 为与公共财政相关的内容,而从地方政府的角度来探究民生财政的相关文献则是少之又 少。因此,本文首先对比分析了美国、日本、印度的财政支出结构,以期对我国构建民生 财政、优化财政支出结构有所启发。其次对我国民生财政的现状和存在问题作了比较详细 的分析,分别从地方财政收入和支出两个方面论述了地方财政与民生的关系。并就我国地 方政府在构建民生财政过程中表现出来的主动性不足的现象从制度原因(分税制的不完 善)、地区差异(区域差异和城乡差异)、政府激励(官员的晋升激励压力与政府的绩效考 核体系)、历史原因(政府历来的政策传统)等各个角度进行全面的分析。文章最后有针 对性地提出了一些对策,如完善财政分权体制和相关制度,确保各级政府的财权与事权相 匹配;构建以民生为导向的绩效评估体系,改善相关配套机制;促进城乡一体化和区域经 济一体化;精简政府层级,减少行政管理费用等。 关键词:地方政府,民生,财政分权 The Fiscal Studies of Peoples Livelihood in the Perspective of Local Government Abstract Against the background of the highly attention on peoples livelihood, this paper takes a discussion on the construction of Minsheng financial and related problems from the unique perspective of local government.It deeply analyzes the problems, causes and countermeasures in the concrete implementing process of our Minsheng financial,using the method with the integrations of empirical research and standard analysis, history and reality, analysis and synthesis, systematical research and comparative analysis.This paper has pointed out that the effects of policies are not obvious even though our government has payed high emphasis on peoples livelihood, put forward a series of policies to improve the livelihood of people in recent years.The main reason is that the local governments are short of the financial initiative,keeping fierce financial competition among themselves in the process of Minsheng fiscal construction even though they are playing the key role of policys executors.Thereby,truly putting all policies into effect has become more difficult, livelihood issues has become more serious, peoples livelihood needs more intense calls. The concept of peoples livelihood has first p


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