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西安 西安建筑科技大 学硕士学位论文 西安建筑科技大 西安建筑科技大 学硕士学位论文 The synchronous removal of Manganese and Fluorine Performance in groundwater Spccialty: Municipal Engin eering A uthor :Sun Li-ping A dvisor: A. Professor Zhang Jian -feng ABSTRACT M any areas in China 缸e u sing groundw ater as the m ain source of drinki ng water, becau se of the influence of hydro-geological and chemical factors of Earth rocks,some areas face the problem of im permissibly high manganese and flu ori ne ion and the u ndergrou nd w ater treatrnent needs to remove the exception of manganese ,wh ile there is still a requ irement of de-f1uoridati on. The paper was based on the an alysis of th e tou chin g oxidati on method to el imin ate m anganese from water m ateri al and th e adsorpti on of f1u oride,conn ecting with th e principle and t巳chniques of water 盯巳atm ent,prepa ring th e man ga n ese filtration membrane on active alumin a by u sing ch emical meth ods. The adsorpti on abili ty of filtration was investigat巳d throu gh static experimental study and the de-f1uor ide mechani sm of filter media was studi ed by dynami c test. Th e 巳ffects of differ巳n t param eters such as filter height,filtration rate and pH valu e were studi ed to an alysis 由e corresponding mechani sm of m anganese and f1u oride removal. Throllgh the experimental stll dies,the reslllts we re conclud巳d as follows: (1) The XPS an alysis showed th at th e chi ef con stitll ents of manganese filtrati on 刽.e MnOOH 、Mn02 and Mn304;The A h03(MnOOH) (R eplaced b y A1203( II) in th e followi ng) filter media had a good effect on r巳du cing f1u orid巳 and a high adsorption capaci ty. The m ain con stituents on the filter surface are A h03 and MnOOH; The remova l of f1l1orine ion was inflll enc巳d strongly by filter h eigh t,filtrat ion rate and pH vallle. Increasing the height of the filter and r巳du cin g the fi l tration rate appropri ately cOllld increase the adsorpti on capacity of m巳dia. Th e sui tab le pH val ue of the system is 6.5-7


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