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武汉科 武汉科技大学硕士学位论文 万方数据 万方数据 摘要 本试验研究以金山店铁矿浮选硫精矿为研究对象,为解决浓密机溢流损失严 重的现状,通过实验室试验寻找合适的絮凝剂来改善硫精矿的沉降。对筛选出的 10 种有机高分子絮凝剂分别做了絮凝沉降试验,采用直接观测沉降界面法得出不同 条件下的沉降曲线。根据沉降曲线,运用 Talmage-Fitch 法和 Oltmann 法计算出比 浓缩面积 Asp,以此评价絮凝剂的絮凝效果。鉴于添加絮凝剂后,过滤过程也将受 到影响,因此还进行了真空过滤试验,并以质量比阻????和滤饼含水量 φ 作为评价 指标。为探讨絮凝机理,对该硫精矿的 ζ 电位进行了测试。 沉降试验结果表明:在未添加絮凝剂的情况下,硫精矿矿浆静置沉降的 Asp 为 111.9(m2?s)/kg,絮凝剂 41216、2010031110 在用量为 100g/t 时,Asp 达到最小值, 分别为 3.5(m2?s)/kg、4.1(m2?s)/kg。过滤试验结果表明:未添加絮凝剂时,滤饼质量 比阻????和含水量 φ 分别为 21.10×1010 m/kg、24.4%;41216 在用量为 100g/t 时,滤 饼比阻达最小值 4.79×1010 m/kg;41216 在用量为 35g/t 时,滤饼含水量为 21.1%。 ζ 电位测试结果表明:阳离子絮凝剂可以中和硫精矿颗粒表面电荷后,再通过 架桥的方式产生絮凝;其它种类絮凝剂未对硫精矿颗粒 ζ 电位造成较大影响,主要 作用机理是架桥吸附。 综合 Asp、????、φ 三项指标,优选出 41216 絮凝剂为该硫精矿的最佳絮凝剂。 最佳用量为 50g/t,合适温度为 25℃,此时 Asp、????、φ 分别为 36.2(m2?s)/kg、 11.1×1010m/kg、21.96%。 关键词:硫精矿;絮凝剂;比浓缩面积;滤饼质量比阻 I Abstract This study takes the JinShandian iron flotation sulfur concentration as the subject to carry laboratory test to find the right flocculant which can improve the efdect of sulfur concentrate settlement, aimimg at solving the existing problem that the loss of the concentration in the thickener overflow is too high.The flocculation and sedimentation tests were done using the chosen 10 kinds of organic polymer flocculants and the settlement curves under different conditions were obtained through the observation of the changes of the sedimentation interface. Through the methods of Talmage-Fitch and Oltmann basing on the settlement curve, the specific concentration area was figured out to evaluate the effect of the flocculants.Allowing for the influence of the flocculants on the filtration process, the vacuum filtration tests were also done and the cake mass specific resistance and the filtration cake moisture content were used to.In order to study the mechanism of flocculation, the zeta potential of the sulfur concentrate were tested. The results of settlement experiment shows that: the Asp of the sulfur concentration slurry settlement is 111.9(m2·s)/kg. Asp in the absence



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